You can't judge a book by it's cover, and you apparently can't judge an organization by it's name. Working Families Party is a name that gives an impression that they are in the business of supporting "working families," but are they?
Richard Coe of Discover the Networks stated that the Working Families Party (WFP) is a front group for the radical cult ACORN. WFP functions as a political party in New York and Connecticut, promoting ACORN-friendly radical candidates. WFP charges its member’s dues, approximately $60, which is a policy of ACORN and its affiliates. Also note that Acorn's Headquarters is located in the same address as the WFP’S, at 88 Third Avenue in Brooklyn New York. Bertha Lewis is the Co-Director of WFP and is the Executive Director of ACORN New York. In Hartford, ACORN and Working Families Party is located in the same office suite and even share the same fax machine, so make no mistake about it, Working Families Party in reality is just ACORN by another name.
By being cross endorsed by the WFP, it demonstrates that these candidates are aligned and dedicated to the radical and socialistic ideology that ACORN and their thug approach of twisting arms of those who dare to oppose their views.
Working Families has Endorsed New Britain Candidates to Elective Offices. This creates the need for extreme caution for our city’s electorate.
Mayoral candidate State Rep. Tim O’Brien was quoted by a local publication as saying this about his endorsement by the Working Families Party “That is why I am proud to accept the Working Families endorsement.” Apparently he was very proud, since he has recently reported a $6,250.00 payment to a Working Families affiliate--read on!
Others being endorsed are Michael Trueworthy and Paul Catanzaro for alderman at large, Marie Lausch for Alderman in Ward one, Phil Sherwood for alderman in ward four, and Juan Verdu for Tax Collector.
Another alarming issue:
Representative O'Brien reports a campaign expense of $6,250.00 to an ACORN affiliate--Citizens Services, Inc.--the same ACORN affiliate that President Obama's presidential campaign paid over $800,000 to. In attempting to investigate the payment, reporter James Craven reports that he found no phone listings for Citizens Services, Inc. in Hartford, but was astute enough to suspect they were affiliated with another ACORN front group--The Working Families Party, so Mr. Craven reportedly called the Hartford office of the Working Families Party which shares the same offices as the Hartford office of ACORN.
The article quoted John Green, Director of Working Families Party as saying "Citizens Services, Inc., is the staffing firm that employs folks who work at Working Families. It's a consulting firm...that assigns people to work on mostly progressive campaigns."
To make this statement by Green very clear, the Wikipedia definition of "Progressivism" as it relates to U.S. politics is:"an alternative to the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues and to the various more radical streams of socialism and anarchism which opposed them."
Bertha Lewis had more to say on the meaning of the WFP endorsement: Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knocking’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.” (Quoted in the Village Voice, November 1-7, 2000). In fact, Bertha Lewis is so supportive of Mr. O'Brien, that she came to New Britain personally to announce her endorsement for him. Ms. Lewis was quoted as having said to O'Brien during the rally: “Get a pair of steel-toed boots and put “WFP’ on each toe and you’ll win.”
Perhaps this weekend when the O'Brien campaign worker comes knocking on your door, you should ask that person how much they are being paid out of O'Brien's campaign funds to deliver his rhetoric?
In any event, do you want radicals that are beholden to ACORN and the Working Families Party answering the doors at City Hall when the likes of Bertha Lewis comes knocking?
Larry Hermanowski Alderman Ward 4 is also endorsed by the Working Families Party (WFP).
ReplyDeleteOne key component to the Working Family Party platform is economic justice; ie a living wage.
ReplyDeleteThis is higher than the minimum wage. O'Brien's door knockers from Acorn are paid $20 a day which is not only lower than the living wage but also lower than the federal and state minimum wage.
So much for economic justice for "working" families.
Voting for any of these radicals is like turning the keys to the city over to ACORN!
ReplyDeleteIt should be noted that WFP morphed from the "NEW" party. The New Party was established to force even the Democrats farther left.