Kissell said in an interview. "One of the things that's missing in people's trust factor is people keeping their word. Whether I win or lose, I've got to look at myself in the mirror the next day, and a word that's important to me is integrity."
People voted for change, but when they see it they dont like it????
Connecticut is the only state in New England — and one of only 14 in the nation — that bans Sunday sales in stores and supermarkets.
We could raise millions in tax revenue just by allowing the casinos to serve liquor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Governor tried this recently, but the liberal loons in the legislature vetoed this measure, which would have raised millions in taxes dollars, and would finally allow the casinos to be casinos, claiming it would cause mass casualties all over the highways.
Not only do all casinos in Nevada serve liquor 24 hours a day, but bars throughout the state are allowed to stay open 24-7 if they choose, and many of them that are not in casinos choose to. In fact, the law in Nevada requires any establishment that has a gaming license to serve liquor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year. You either serve liquor 24 hours a day, or the state will close you down! The state mandates you serve liquor non stop, and there are not drunk drivers all over the place like the liberal loons in our legislature would make you believe.
Isn't it about time we allowed our casinos to really be casinos and compete with the casinos in other parts of the nation???
In fact, why not let our bars stay open 24 hours a day too? If it works in Nevada, why wouldn't it work here?
But try and tell a bunch of liberal Democrats that see the need for a law to control every aspect of your life.
Could be on reason why Connecticut is the 50th unhappy state in the nation?
I guess this Congressman wants a chance to get re-elected by actually listening to the American people who want absolutely nothing to do with this health care fantasy of Obama's!
Let's be fare... This is not democrates vs democrates. This is the lunitic left frindge vs democrates. Without the democrates they have nothing. So they are abusing the deomocratic party to get their way. The sin is that the moderate real deomocratic party will not seperate themselves from them and get back to governing.
More and more we might ask if doing nothing might have been the better strategy. Doing nothing is better than doing what makes it worse. Wise statement, if one is not sure what to do, do nothing. With all that has been done so far, I just wonder if none of these were done, if things might be better. We seemed to be forced down these only paths with the hope of resolution. Not Yet!
While everyone is worked up letting congress know what we think, take 10 minutes and call AARP. Tell them you will not be joining them because they have become shills for the liberal Democratic agenda. If you are a member, tear up your card and mail it to them in a letter letting them know not one more cent will go out of your pocket and into their budget to spend on liberal causes. Consider changing your insurance if you have it from AARP. There are plenty of other groups that can get you a good deal. These guys stopped doing what's best for "retired" persons ages ago. They don't even represent "retired persons". Membership starts at 50. How many 50 year olds in today's world do you know that are retired? It's just another clearing house, like the unions, for libs to get donations. Any real good they did, just like the unions, went by the wayside long ago. Directors decide where the money goes, not the membership. But unlike tolerating the unions and keeping a good paying job, people don't have to keep their AARP membership to survive. Time to start a conservative version. *
Mr. Chavez? That's not right what you said about our President! He deserves more credit than what you're giving him! While he will certainly never be the type of powerful Socialist dictator you are in your own have to at least admit that he deserves that "B+" he says he's earned....for trying to be as vicious a dictator as you are.
Kissell said in an interview. "One of the things that's missing in people's trust factor is people keeping their word. Whether I win or lose, I've got to look at myself in the mirror the next day, and a word that's important to me is integrity."
People voted for change, but when they see it they dont like it????
Connecticut is the only state in New England — and one of only 14 in the nation — that bans Sunday sales in stores and supermarkets.
We could raise millions in tax revenue just by allowing the casinos to serve liquor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Governor tried this recently, but the liberal loons in the legislature vetoed this measure, which would have raised millions in taxes dollars, and would finally allow the casinos to be casinos, claiming it would cause mass casualties all over the highways.
Not only do all casinos in Nevada serve liquor 24 hours a day, but bars throughout the state are allowed to stay open 24-7 if they choose, and many of them that are not in casinos choose to. In fact, the law in Nevada requires any establishment that has a gaming license to serve liquor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year. You either serve liquor 24 hours a day, or the state will close you down! The state mandates you serve liquor non stop, and there are not drunk drivers all over the place like the liberal loons in our legislature would make you believe.
Isn't it about time we allowed our casinos to really be casinos and compete with the casinos in other parts of the nation???
In fact, why not let our bars stay open 24 hours a day too? If it works in Nevada, why wouldn't it work here?
But try and tell a bunch of liberal Democrats that see the need for a law to control every aspect of your life.
Could be on reason why Connecticut is the 50th unhappy state in the nation?
OBummer: The price of on-the-job you are alienating your own
I guess this Congressman wants a chance to get re-elected by actually listening to the American people who want absolutely nothing to do with this health care fantasy of Obama's!
Let's be fare... This is not democrates vs democrates. This is the lunitic left frindge vs democrates. Without the democrates they have nothing. So they are abusing the deomocratic party to get their way. The sin is that the moderate real deomocratic party will not seperate themselves from them and get back to governing.
A Democrat listening to constituents?
What is wrong with this man? Urges Dems to Block Senate Health Bill
The liberal group is opposing the Senate health care bill and urging Democrats to block it.
More and more we might ask if doing nothing might have been the better strategy. Doing nothing is better than doing what makes it worse. Wise statement, if one is not sure what to do, do nothing. With all that has been done so far, I just wonder if none of these were done, if things might be better. We seemed to be forced down these only paths with the hope of resolution. Not Yet!
While everyone is worked up letting congress know what we think, take 10 minutes and call AARP. Tell them you will not be joining them because they have become shills for the liberal Democratic agenda. If you are a member, tear up your card and mail it to them in a letter letting them know not one more cent will go out of your pocket and into their budget to spend on liberal causes.
Consider changing your insurance if you have it from AARP. There are plenty of other groups that can get you a good deal. These guys stopped doing what's best for "retired" persons ages ago. They don't even represent "retired persons". Membership starts at 50. How many 50 year olds in today's world do you know that are retired? It's just another clearing house, like the unions, for libs to get donations.
Any real good they did, just like the unions, went by the wayside long ago. Directors decide where the money goes, not the membership. But unlike tolerating the unions and keeping a good paying job, people don't have to keep their AARP membership to survive. Time to start a conservative version.
Chavez calls Obama Satan...
Mr. Chavez? That's not right what you said about our President! He deserves more credit than what you're giving him! While he will certainly never be the type of powerful Socialist dictator you are in your own have to at least admit that he deserves that "B+" he says he's earned....for trying to be as vicious a dictator as you are.
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