Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Democrats override mayor, reappoint Candelori - The New Britain Herald (


  1. The council was provided letters in support of Mr. Candelori. One letter in particular was from an attorney who represented Soverign Bank. Mr. Candelori must have solicited the letter on his own behalf. Another came from Senator Don DeFronzo. Three members of the commission spoke in support of Mr. Candelori. A NB commissioner said he didn't know too much about past crimes but he understood and had heard Mr. Candelori wasn't "too involved". Is that like a little bit pregnant?

    The democratic vote was predictable. Only new council member Carlo Carlozzi hesitated before he fell in line. I don't think he feels too good about himself this morning. Yucky feeling to vote against the little guy tapping you on your shoulder isn't it? Don't worry pretty soon you'll be used to it. It gets easier every time just ask the others. They vote un-ethically with ease now.

    Mr. Sherwood addressed the council and reminded everyone that Mr. Candelori's position is volunteer.
    He wanted everyone to know he barely knows him. Trueworthy also stated he has only spoken with Candelori a couple of times. Why were those statements relevant? Why do they want to asert they aren't associated with him while honoring him with their reappointment? Sherwood also opened with, this is a difficult decision and kinda sorta embraced concern for his transgressions but went on to support him anyway. I never saw anybody talk out of both sides of his mouth more than Phil Sherwood. If he could only hear himself.

    Anyway, re-appointment of William Candelori to this particular volunteer position is very important. Almost too important? Very important to William Candelori, to Don DeFronzo and other people in political and business power positions. It's not just a warm and fuzzy appointment for a reformed nice guy. He is needed there because of business promises and contracts he has committed to. Somehow I don't think those committments have anything to do with the interests of the general public.

  2. Flanders said, adding that in a conversation with Candelori Monday, Candelori had denied ever talking to the New Britain Herald even though he has been quoted directly in several stories and even submitted a picture of himself for publication.

    The Herald must have made it all up!

  3. Anonymous said...
    It is very sad that the DEMOCRATS on our city council members just don't get it.

    So the tax payers are the ones to get royally screwed.

    December 12, 2009 5:57 PM
