Friday, December 18, 2009

Former Chairman Says Dodd Should Withdraw « Channel 3’s Dennis House Blogs


  1. Let him run, it will make it that much easier for ANY republican to trounce him in the election.

    He is so low in the polls, he is screwing his own party by running, as it is obvious that he can't win.

  2. Dodd must be proud of himself, Sean Hannity just described him as the most likely of all incumbents in the Senate to lose his re-election--even more so than Harry Reid who is losing in the polls to a virtual nobody, but apparently the voters in Nevada have decided that nobody is better than Harry Reid. Even Reid's son is distancing himself from his father, apparently realizing that the Reid family name is permanently tainted in Nevada.

  3. 79.9% credit card interest!

    You can thank Chris Dodd and his phony credit card reform bill for this one:

    Yes, it's legal
    A national bank charging 79.9 percent interest on a credit card is legal -- as long as the issuer fully discloses the terms as required by the federal Truth in Lending Act. Still, the high rate has been met with shock across the country because it is so much higher than prevailing APRs and penatly interest rates. The Weekly Rate report national average for bad credit credit cards was 13.74 percent on Dec. 17.

  4. Does Dodd really think he has a chance. A recent poll conducted by WTIC showed that 81% of Connecticut voters think he shouldn't even run again.

    Does he really think Obama and Biden can pull it off for him.

    Tell him to ask Creigh Deeds in Virginia and John Corzine in New Jersey, about how much help Obama and Biden campaigning for them was?

    Actually each time Obama made a campaign stop for either of them, the Republican candidate made gains in the polls, so maybe Dodd should get Obama to come to Connecticut many times!


    Alpert jabs Dodd from food pantry
    Candidate tries to close big gap in polls

    U.S. Senate candidate Merrick Alpert gets a tour of the St. . Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich by director Jillian Corbin.
    Norwich Bulletin
    Posted Dec 18, 2009 @ 11:29 PM
    Norwich, Conn. —

    Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Merrick Alpert toured the St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen and food pantry in Norwich Friday morning, calling it and the people it serves his rationale for running against incumbent U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd, D-Conn.

    “All I get when I visit places like this across the state is that people here feel forgotten,” said Alpert, a Colchester native. “I’m here because people who have been in Washington for years aren’t.”

    Alpert said assistance programs for the underemployed and working poor hang in the balance in next year’s senate race.

    “I’m running because (Dodd) can’t win,” Alpert said. “He is trailing in the latest Quinnipiac poll against every major Republican candidate. And none of them are going to vote to support issues that I as a progressive Democrat feel are important.”

    That same Quinnipiac poll, taken Nov. 12, also has Dodd thrashing Alpert by 33 points among registered Democrats. Colleen Flanagan, spokeswoman for the Connecticut Democratic Party, said Alpert also loses polls against all Republicans.

  6. Just another story you'll never read about in the Herald, because it is negative information about a liberal!
