Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mayor Stewart calls Sherwood hypocritical - The New Britain Herald (

Mayor Stewart calls Sherwood hypocritical - The New Britain Herald (


  1. We need to start asking Alderman {I voted against the police station before I voted for it} Hermonowski what he is thinking.

    .....Alderman Larry Hermanowski said he agreed with Sherwood and did not consider the Colonial Realty fraud in which Connecticut residents lost $350 million to be relevant.......

    Mr. Candelori's willing participation in a 350 Million Dollar fraud scheme is not relevant to his appointment to a quasi-public entity?????

    ....Hermanowski also dismissed Candelori being named in another multi-million dollar fraud case......

    I am just stunned. Are these the same people who questioned the cities auditing? Are these the same people who routinely imply that any companies that invest in New Britain are crooks??

    On a personal note;

    Larry, I can see the Kid from New Hampshire making sophomoric mistakes but you are a son of New Britain. Whoever is pulling the strings over at the DTC needs to be stopped before they completely alienate any and all investors and developers from doing business in town. What’s next? Your brethren have disparaged almost every successful businessperson in town from the Amodios to the Tomassos.

    If I said it once I have said it a hundred times.

    The leadership within the New Britain Democratic Party must be stopped.

    John McNamara and his cronies must be removed from power. They are an embarrassment to The DTC, democrats and the citizens of New Britain as a whole.

  2. AMEN to Independent Voter's comments...Larry should know better!!
