Sunday, December 13, 2009

Obama Continues to Prove He Is a Muslim


Anonymous said...

I think about the founding fathers of this great country. My visits to Williamsburg VA and the Plimoth Plantation. And my New Britain ancestors. What is America coming to?

Have faith and stand strong.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Frank.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Frank and Merry Christmas. From Jim Sanders Jr.

Anonymous said...

You mean the rest of America isn't celebrating a "religion free Christmas" like the White House this year?

Anonymous said...

Frank: Most of the items you post are well worth reading, but this one on Obama proving he's a Muslim is pure baloney. I clicked on and read the entire NY Times piece by Nicholas Kristof, which was generally favorable to Obama. The quote about the Muslim call at sunset was taken out of context.
It was followed by: "Moreover, Mr. Obama’s own grandfather in Kenya was a Muslim. Mr. Obama never met his grandfather and says he isn’t sure if his grandfather’s two wives were simultaneous or consecutive, or even if he was Sunni or Shiite... Our biggest mistake since World War II has been a lack of sensitivity to other people’s nationalism, from Vietnam to Iraq. Perhaps as a result of his background, Mr. Obama has been unusually sensitive to such issues and to the need to project respect rather than arrogance. He has consistently shown great instincts."

Another error in the posted piece states that Obama canceled the National Day of Prayer. notes that: "Although the White House did not host an ecumenical service on the National Day of Prayer in 2009 as it did in previous years, the observance of the National Day of Prayer itself was not canceled."

Junk journalism like this post needlessly fans the flames of hatred in this country. The author has an obvious anti-Muslim axe to grind and apparently doesn't believe in Christian tolerance. He lives in Phil Sherwood's home state of NH but writes for the Canada Free Press.

Thanks for listening and keep up the good work, Frank. I remain one of your strongest supporters.

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