Friday, January 1, 2010

KATHLEEN PARKER: It’s Obama’s ball now - The Middletown Press (


  1. Kathleen, you obviously didn't get the memo from Robert Gibbs--it is all George W. Bush's fault. The Messiah can do no wrong, especially since he is bigger than Jesus!

  2. Obama even blamed George Bush for the Christmas day terrorist attack on that Delta Air Lines plane in Detroit.

    Apparently in the eyes of these radicals who have seized control of our country, George Bush is forever responsible for anything bad that could ever happen in this country.

    What ever happened to the belief that the rest of the world was going to love us because we have been saved by the Messiah--Barrack Hussein Obama? (mmm mmm mmm Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm).

    Why are Muslim terrorists still attacking a country that has a Muslim for a President?

  3. I used to think a two party government was politically prudent,,,after this admin and the dems showing their true colors,,I will NEVER vote dem again

  4. the Tea Party is the only party we need.
