Tuesday, February 2, 2010

O’Brien calls for investigation into own campaign: The Herald

Alderwoman Tonilynn Collins Allegedly Mishandled Funds!


Anonymous said...

O'Brien seems to be surrounded by characters doesn't he?

First his legislative aide is caught abusing state computers to post vicious attacks against the mayor and his family on websites, now his campaign treasurer is involved in transferring money from the campaign treasury into her own personal checking account, and both of them council Democrats too?

What's next?

Anonymous said...

(1) Embezzlement. A person commits embezzlement when he wrongfully appropriates to himself or to another property of another in his care or custody.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Tsar of Ethics will be right on top of this issue to demand her resignation from the council, won't he?

Anonymous said...

If alderperson Collins cannot handle the responsibility of managing a campaign checking account, how can we as taxpayers trust her to oversee and make decisions regarding the City of New Britain's budget and most importantly our tax dollars. In addition to admitting she "screwed up" Ms. Collins should step-down from the council before financial budget meetings get underway.

Anonymous said...

If one is judged by the company that they keep, O'Brien like his idol Obama doesn't look too good!

O'Brien showed poor judgment in selecting Collins for the most important post in his campaign. He showed poor management skills in not overseeing her work for his campaign. And hw wants to be mayor??

Who gave all this cash which we all know is illegal. Politics #101 states do not accept money over a fixed amount. Record the donor. Do not put it in your own personal account.

This woman is not smart enough to be on the Common Council although she does fit in with most of them!

With friends like this, who need enemies?

Indeoendent Voter said...

If Ms. Collins and Mr. O'Brien did not have any prior experience with political campaigns it would be understandable that they would make this type of mistake.

Because they have prior experience the explanations that they offered are very hard to swallow.

Due to the close ties of the O’Brien campaign and Alderperson Collins to the New Britain Democratic town committee I think that their needs to be an independent investigation of the finance of all the candidates endorsed and supported by the New Britain Democratic town committee.

It is time that elected Democrats in New Britain walk the walk. Transparency, ethics and freedom of information should not be just campaign slogans and election time buzzwords.

It is clearer now than ever before that the ineffective left wing leadership of the Town committee should resign. Starting with chairman McNamara.

Anonymous said...

I found it particularly interesting regarding the quote of her finding envelopes of cash lying around her house.

I wonder where these envelopes full of cash are coming from?

Maybe the state's attorney needs to investigate.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder, especially since Frank Smith first broke the story back in October that this same Alderman was delinquent in her property taxes and then she ran right in and paid them.

Independent voter said...

I also wanted to note that according to the herald O'Brien received numerous out of town campaign donations. Just seems fishy.

Anonymous said...

Collins also works in the payment of water bills section of the Water Dept. here in New Britain; word has it she has messed up the books there, too but was protected by her supervisor (former Alderwoman Barbara Yezierski) from being fired. And the Democratic beat goes on. How come Phil Sherwood didn't complain about that? Does any of this cover up have to do with the union connections of Collins' mother who was also a Democratic alderwoman a generation ago? One big happy family Family feeding from the public trough.

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