Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Fedele Ad Hits Foley On Georgia Plant Failure, Layoffs; Campaigns Battle With Statements On Who's Telling Truth---Capitol Watch Blog


  1. I like the Fedele ads that promise to slash pay and benefits of government workers, bringing them in line with the private sector. What could be more fair than that? Making the same as the people paying the bills!

  2. I think Fedele is indirectly promising to be our Chris Christie, something we desperately need here in Connecticut to cut the bloat in government.

  3. Of course if Foley promised that kind of layoffs for state employees, he would have my vote. New Jersey is laying off their entire dept of motor vehicles and contracting that service out to a vendor.

    Works for me!

  4. Fedele is correct about the salaries and benefits of the state workers.
    The Towns and Cities need to do the same. The unions don't care about the taxpayers.
