Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chris Murphy, Justin Bernier butt heads on public option - The Bristol Press (

By Scott Whipple
Staff Writer


  1. Frank:

    This is a typical, left-wing liberal tactic; after pushing through a helth care bill and voting on it, Murphy wants to go back and reintroduce a provision that would have prevented the bill from passing in the first place - public option. This is a typical, Pelosi/Reid underhanded tactic. Pelosi probably put him up to it along with John Larson, Pelosi's protector.

  2. If Murphy cares so much about creating competition, then why is he directly responsible for the lack of any competition?

    It is Congress that prohibits health insurers from competing across state lines. You must buy your health care from a company within your own state by federal law passed by Congress. Dozens of experts have said that opening up interstate competition would drastically reduce the health care rates in this country, but radical zealots like Murphy will not even consider this solution because then they would lose their excuses for a total government take-over of our health care.

    Murphy prefers socialist systems like Canada and England, where stories of people dropping dead while waiting 18 months to 2 years for a government bureaucrat to get around to approving their visit to a doctor over what is the best health care system in the world.

    Murphy has demonstrated he would rather destroy our health care system than make common sense repairs to it--like getting the government out of the way with interstate competition.

    Now in November it will be our turn to get Murphy out of our way. One of his opponents has promised he would make it his number one top priority to repeal Obamacare, and that is enough to earn my vote!

  3. This one issue is why Murphy MUST be defeated in November so we can take back our country.
