Thursday, July 8, 2010

Court: Pratt can't shed 1,000 Connecticut jobs - The New Haven Register (


  1. Holding existing companies hostage as if they are prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp is really going to do wonders to attract new businesses to locate here:
    Thanks to Blumenthal the business destroyer!

  2. Connecticut is like Hotel California, you can check out, but you can never leave!

  3. The court only has authority until Dec 5th when the contract expires and then all bets are off. I would expect on Dec. 6th an announcement that several thousand jobs will be moved the heck out of here, wouldn't you if you were UTC?

  4. The announcements about the thousands of jobs they can move to South Carolina could come just in time for Christmas since the contract expires on December 5th.

    This would be the perfect Christmas gift to the union for all the grief they put management through. If it were your company, would you negotiate with these vultures?

  5. Who in their right mind would keep these jobs here when they can save about 35% of their personnel costs by moving them to a right to work state like South Carolina where they not only escape the unions, but also escape Connecticut's oppressive business taxes and regulations?

    I wouldn't be surprised if after this harassment by the unions and Blumenidiot, they don't decide to move everything out of here and tell Connecticut what to kiss!

    Unions and Democrats are destroying this state.
