Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Dying Media Writes its Own Obituary


  1. The media is dead in America. Bill O'Reilly did a 10 minute segment on his show last night showing the major stories affecting America that the lame stream media didn't cover.

    Glenn Beck has a regular segment each night at the middle of his show outlining the big stories the drive by media failed to report.

    Last week O'Reilly did a segment showing the plummeting ratings for all 3 of the network news shows. Each one has lost millions of viewers in the past year, while at the same time Fox News continues to skyrocket in ratings. The other networks also continue to layoff employees and reduce staffing while Fox is actively recruiting for hundreds of newly created positions. Fox has now become the dominate news source for the entire nation and possibly the entire world.

    If the current trend continues, you will be seeing many liberal news sources collapsing, and with any luck, the New Britain Herald will lead them into bankruptcy!

  2. When I think of these Lib Dems in the Media I think back to the Archie Bunker Character who most of them probably loved to poke fun at.
    Just like Archie, these Libs are perpetually stuck in the past.They have little tolerance for dissenting opinions and try to silence those who wish to express them. They prejudge people based on their ethnicity, religion and socioeconomic status and their hypocrisy is shameless. And just like Archie their blind Lib Dem ideology prevents them from realizing what they have become.

  3. Anonymous said...

    When I think of these Lib Dems in the Media I think back to the Archie Bunker Character who most of them probably loved to poke fun at.
    Just like Archie, these Libs are perpetually stuck in the past.They have little tolerance for dissenting opinions and try to silence those who wish to express them. They prejudge people based on their ethnicity, religion and socioeconomic status and their hypocrisy is shameless. And just like Archie their blind Lib Dem ideology prevents them from realizing what they have become.


  4. I would imagine you do look forward to the end of the Herald. Then, like bats, you will be free to live in the darkness of ignorance.

  5. You are quite mistaken to imagine that I would look forward to the end of the Herald. In fact, I would miss its' comic entertainment value almost as much as I missed "All In The Family" when it went off the air.

  6. In order to miss the Herald, I would first have to read it. I get all my news from a combination of the Htfd. Courant, and this blog.
