Thursday, July 29, 2010

Endorsement: Rob Simmons In Republican Senate Primary -


  1. The fact that the hardly courant likes Simmons means that I won't vote for him. Also, the very fact that is an experienced/career politician is what I have against him.

  2. Help! I need advice. As a long time political junkie,a Fox News addict 24/7,a WSJ subscriber and steady reader, I found myself at lunch with friends today admitting, when asked, that I will vote in the primary, but for the first time in my very long life, I am not crazy about any of the candidates. I mean, is this the best that Ct can do?

    If the Courant wants Simmons than I do not. Schiff is a waste of a vote. Linda is tainted by the WWE and trying to buy our vote. On the other hand, I would vote for Lucifer before I would vote for Blumenthal. I see him as worse than Dodd, if that is possible.

    Then, we have the Governor's race. Foley makes sense to me because he is not a politician and has vast experience in the business world. But,then,can he work with the Democrats? Who could?

    Chris Murphy has to go. He really insulted New Britain by being a no-show. Who has the best chance of beating him???

    Have we had enough of Italians from Waterbury? Sorry, no offense intended. Bernier seems like a kid, but then, he was the oldest of nine children. I can relate to that. He knows how to work.

    What to do...what to do?? Let me hear from you.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Help! I need advice. As a long time political junkie,a Fox News addict 24/7,a WSJ subscriber and steady reade

    "I say go with your own heart; for Senate, I go with Linda because, while many don't like how she made hger fortune, the fact is, she took the lemons that life threw at her and made a life; she admits WWE is a fake, but so are the funnt papers, late night comics, Family Guy and the Simpsons.

    For Governor, I go with Foley; has he had marital problems, yes; has he learned from them, yes. Successful in business without political baggage, yes! Knows what to do politically - he doesn't care.

    For Lietenant Governor, I go with Boughton.

    Malloy: He's already made too many promises to the likes of DeFronzo, Sherwood, Trueworthy, Candelori, Hermanowski, etc.

    Fedele; 4 yrs. of doing nothing as L.G. No excuse for that. What would Rell have done, fire him? So what!"

  4. For this race, anyone but Blumenidiot!

  5. It's almost comical how the Courant is going out of its way to endorse Republicans in the upcoming primary. We ALL know they will be endorsing the DEMOCRAT come November. Why the charade?


  6. It's almost comical how the Courant is going out of its way to endorse Republicans in the upcoming primary. We ALL know they will be endorsing the DEMOCRAT come November. Why the charade?


    Not necessarily, maybe the Courant understands that these liberal loons are taking this state right down the toilet and wants to save Connecticut from these socialists?
