Friday, July 23, 2010

GOP chairman calls for common goals - The New Britain Herald (


  1. You will never have common goals because the Democrats are hell bent on expanding socialism at all cost, and couldn't care less about the impact their radical programs have on the people who actually have to pay the bills. Just look at the extreme position they took over the budget, with their threats to ram through a massive tax increase onto the taxpayers as their sick way of punishing the mayor.

    That's right, they were going to make every taxpayer in New Britain pay higher taxes as a punishment to the mayor.

    This shows you how much they think people struggling to make ends meet is just a game, when they are willing to use every taxpayer as a pawn in their sick, twisted games.

  2. Just finished reading Laura Ingraham's new best seller, "Obama's Diaries". Although one can and does laugh out loud, it is very serious that this man was elected president. He is considered to have Narcissist Development Disorder, is a socialist, an atheist, out of his league, arrogant, uncaring, incompetent, and on and on...His wife is all of the above and worse. God help us.

  3. Sounds like Sherwood and Trueworthy are in hiding over the thought of giving up a few taxpayer dollars!

    Mayor Pro Tempore Michael Trueworthy and Majority Leader Phil Sherwood could not be reached on whether council Democrats plan to do the same.

  4. You can BLAME the Blacks and the Puerto Ricans for Obama. This is their way of getting back at the white community for all of the problems in the world.

    It is very similar to what the Indians have done with the casinos.

    The world should not be punished for the sins of their fathers.
