Monday, July 12, 2010

The Guida proposal of Zone Change


I Am Very Unhappy in reading The Hardware Journal Regarding account of The Guida's Proposal to sell its Dairy Property on Farmington Avenue.

John O'Dell's Account describes the Common Council Subcommittee's, Chair Roy Centeno, stated that the zoning change from S-2 to B-2, as requested by the Guidas', was not advisable for this location and that the subcommittee voted 7-1 to send the petition back to the full council with a negative recommendation.

The Guida's being a large taxpayer in our city and with being adversely treated by the radical culture of these liberals of the council's sub-committee.

I can only assume that the Guida family will start moving some of its operation to a lower tax city or town.

Therefore , I strongly urge that the full council in supporting the Guida Family with their request of the zone change.


  1. Maybe there should be an IQ test given to prospective candidiates for the Common Council. When you elect stupid people, you get stupid decision making.

  2. Frank:
    Whoever wrote this editorial is wrong in spewing this one sided account as factual.

    First. There was a public hearing on the proposed zone change that evening. The people from the area were unanimously opposed to the change. These folks presented rational and intelligent arguments. The only person to speak in favor was not from the area - the hired attorney representing Mr Guida.
    Second. The zone change that was proposed is very liberal with respect to what type of development is allowed. The people from that area were not opposed to development of the area, only to a B-2 zone. Mr. Guida or his attorney presented no plan whatsoever as to what would go in the property. Why? Because their only interest is to sell the property. If the zone were to be changed to B-2 and someone purchased the property, anything allowed in that zone could be put there. Yes the Guida family has been in business in NB for years. Yes, they pay taxes. So do other property owners. If you want to see what they have built in NB go to the East side of town.

    Third. A complete and detailed explanation of zone changes and the havoc they may wreak was provided by Mr. Malinowski of the Dept. of Municipal Development. In addition the proposed zone change received a negative report from the City Plan Dept.

    Fourth. It is possible that the property can be developed by presenting a change to a different type of zone, a zone that would be more appealing to the neighbors and foster a better image for people entering NB on Farmington Ave.

    Lastly. The writer of the editorial did not do his home work. Furthermore nothing good can come from disparaging those folks on the Council who serve on these committees and those professionals that work for the City in researching zoning proposals and their possible effects on the NB and those that actually live here.

  3. Maybe there should be an IQ test given to prospective candidiates for the Common Council. When you elect stupid people, you get stupid decision making....

    That would eliminate all the Democrats because you would be lucky to come up with one brain between all of them on the council

  4. NB Resident and TaxpayerJuly 12, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    Regarding the Guida property on the corner of Farmington Avenue and Alexander Road:

    Most of the properties in the area are residential, with the exception of the former Guida's Dairy, a popular ice cream parlor until it's closure a few years ago. With the exception of the well kept apartment complex across the street, on the corner of Farmington Ave. and Slater Rd.,the properties are attractive single family homes. Therefore, in my mind, it makes more sense to zone the property for single family homes. This would make it more attractive when entering New Britain from our attractive neighbor, Farmington, particularly with Batterson Park on the Farmington corner.
    Hopefully the Council will take all this into consideration.

  5. Why should Guida keep their plant here in New Britain when they would save a bundle in property taxes to move it just over the line to Newington, or even better yet to Suffield where they already have another plant?

  6. Can the Guida people wait for the Pinnacle Heights property to be marketed for development? Seems to me that would be more conducive to their expanding their business on that end of town.

  7. Just Curious has left a new comment on your post "The Guida proposal of Zone Change":

    Can the Guida people wait for the Pinnacle Heights property to be marketed for development? Seems to me that would be more conducive to their expanding their business on that end of town.

    Mr. Guida is not looking to expand his business at this location. He is just looking for a zone change so as to be able to sell the property

  8. Sonic just announced plans to open 8 locations in Connecticut, and guess what? New Britain wasn't on the list of towns they are building a new location in, but then again who in their right mind would open a business here with these socialists in power? No doubt there would be pickets demanding that there isn't enough Latino managers, or outrage that the teenage skating waitresses are not members of a radical union!

  9. Anonymous said...Mr. Guida is not looking to expand his business at this location. He is just looking for a zone change so as to be able to sell the property.......

    Can you blame Guida for wanting to sell his property and get out of this wacked out town?

  10. What is the current tax revenue for the city on the empty building and land vs. what will the tax revenue be for the city once the property is re-developed?

    This parcel might be the gateway to New Britain from Farmington but what do the residents propose, more housing? There is already a large apartment complex across the street. That building isn't the most welcoming building. What would be wrong with a CVS or Walgreens? Walmart is gone. That area would benefit from a retail outlet.

    And, who can blame the Guida family for wanting to cash out on their commercial parcel.

  11. Forget about the ice cream bar that "was", It's not coming back. Forget about a Guida "legacy." Nobody cares about that. If you want to see a Guida legacy go and see what they are going to leave when they vacate what they have built on the east side of NB. Guida is only interested in selling the Farmington property, that's all!

    Also, I think you can forget about single family residences on the property since to make a profit on the property, a developer would have to pay a ridiculously low price and charge a lot for the houses.

    Mayor Stewart and NB's Dept. of Municipal Dev. will be very much invloved in seeing to it that the property is developed so that area residents can be spared the agonies of a cheap strip mall.
