"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given
the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his
name, America gave him the White House based on
the same credentials."
Newt Gingrich
News, Commentary and Opinions in New Britain CT and Our Nation
Odumbo is the least experienced, least qualified person to ever be elected to that office, and his performance is demonstrating his incompetency every day.
Wouldn't House Speaker Gingrich make a great President?
Newt is my candidate in 2012. Sure he has baggage, they all do.
He has intelligence, knowledge like no other, experience and character. Go Newt!
Democrats are now talking about jamming through a massive expansion of Odumbocare before the November elections where Odumbocare will include a government run socialized health care modeled after Britain's, and they are talking about jamming it through before November because Dumbocrats know they are gone after the elections.
The latest poll shows Odumbo losing against ANY and EVERY possible Republican challenger. Apparently America has had more than enough of his brand of socialism.
I would gladly vote for Newt as our next President.
Anonymous said...
Wouldn't House Speaker Gingrich make a great President?
July 22, 2010 6:58 PM
When is the truth going to be made public regarding Obama's birth place, his requirments to become president.
He reminds me of State Rep O'Brien
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