Friday, July 2, 2010

To The editor:

July 2, 2010

Threats. I am attempting with this letter to put a little different perspective on this issue that is dominating New Britain news these days.

What kinds of threats have you experienced? Real, those acted on that become reality to a victim. Implied, if you do this, I hope you rot in Hell – more about this one later. Frivolous, you should hope that I don’t face you in the batter’s box. To make a point, you should be tarred and feathered for what you did – this person had to have read, “Skipper Ireson’s Ride” in junior high school. These are just a few of the variations.

I use my second example to try to make a point. A couple of years ago the Common Council was going to vote on distribution of Federal Funds from HUD, referred to as CDBG Funds. The Council went back and forth on which of those organizations that had made application should/would receive the funds. There were conflicts of interest galore with the Council members who were voting on the funding. Most of the outcome as to which organizations eventually were awarded funds was as predicted, purely political. I felt that many worthy organizations were being denied to satisfy patronage obligations to those less worthy.

Thus, I made a statement to the Council that I hoped that all of those Council members that voted a certain way, i.e. contrary to my feelings, would “ROT IN HELL”! SOME COUNCIL MEMBERS STIIL PRESENT ON THE COUNCIL HAVE NEVER ALLOWED ME TO FORGET THAT STATEMENT.

One would have thought that someone actually believed that I had some special relationship with a supreme being who would grant my request. The inanity of that situation is this; while I feel that I am currently in good standing in the religion I practice, I have no special powers. But some on the Council that wish to make political hay out of my statement. They would have you believe I am just one step removed from Simon Legree.

Such is the case with Alderman Sherwood’s current claim against Mayor Stewart. You be the judge. And do it by yourself without relying on the sensationalism spewed by some members of the media.

Lou Salvio, Alderman, City of New Britain

103 Russwin Rd. New Britain 860-225-9992


  1. you are witnessing what happens when far left zealots don't get what they want. they stop at nothing to discredit anyone of opposes their radical agenda.

  2. Frank:
    There is an extra word (that) in my penultimate paragraph. It's really no big deal but some mayfind it worth a comment.

    Lou Salvio
