Thursday, May 19, 2011

As city plans severe budget cuts
public safety jobs are most in jeopardy - The New Britain Herald (




  1. Don't believe everything you read, especially when the message comes from the local daily "rag".

    Do not believe that 50% of any layoffs will be in public safety.

    First of all the police department just received a grant for new officers and to receive the grant the employment numbers must remain stable. Until we hear it from the mayor, the department should be stable. Chief Gagliardi runs a tight budget, does and excellent job with the monies allocated.

    Same can be said for Chief Carr. This years Fire budget was offered by Chief Carr with a budgetary reduction prior to the mayor's further request. We may need to address closing a station
    for savings but public safety will not be jeopardized.

    The City budget is tough just like our own household budgets during this lengthy depression.
    The Mayor will make the right decisions regarding budget cuts, holding the line of taxes for the residents of New Britain and preserving public safety.

    When Mayor Stewart leaves office, depending on the next elected, that is when we will need to worry.

  2. Commenters on the blogs and some gadflies are starting to come up with ideas for budget cutting. Some ideas are thoughtful and show genuine concern for the frightful situation in which communities find themselves. Many comments are simnply irresponsible.

    My question to New Britain resident taxpayers is, what services, provided by the City and State are you willing to, either live without or trim. Be serious and thoughtful and don't be nasty. It is a difficult thing to do without being selfish. Many folks don't want to give up anything.

    This is exactly what Mayor Stewart has asked the various city departments to do and exactly what most of them are doing. Please, don't use scare tactics, e.g., "Oh yeah, well this is what will happen if you do that and don't give us what we want/need." Sound familiar?

    There are some in every group that succumb to scare tactics; the NB Common Council is a good example. Keep watching.

    Governor Malloy asked for "shared sacrifice." Look at how well that wotked out. What we found out is that some with connections in state government received appointments to high paying (6 figures), do-nothing jobs while we peons get to eat gruel. Shared sacrifice for masses, largesse for the Governor's cronies.

    And what of NB's illustrious state legislators? They all voted for and with the Governor on this! IS ANYBODY SURPRISED? Again, keep watching!

  3. Lou,
    To the peons, King Dan said "Let'em eat cake."

  4. If any cops are laid off, they can probably go to New Haven where the city is in the process of hiring 26 officers. If both towns are M.E.R.F. towns, they will even be able to keep their pensions.

  5. I could live without the huge salaries that the BOE adminstration are getting, the huge pensions that menial city empoyees are getting.

    Keep me safe with police and fire employees and trash pick up. Thank you.
