Friday, May 13, 2011

Council Minority Leader Chastises Rep. Tim O'Brien's Claims in his Political Literature


Dear Editor:

Being of a different political party than Tim O’Brien, I am thankful that I don’t receive his campaign fliers; they are full of undocumented/uncorroborated claims of what he has “done” and adjectival superlatives of his efforts. The fliers are enough to induce projectile vomiting. Truth? Not one of the dozens of bills he has offered has ever become law.

Latest example: O’Brien’s latest flier starts off, “It’s time for a new beginning for New Britain.” Is there another kind of “beginning”? I know, that’s picky, but it’s followed by, “That’s why we need” … What does that mean? That’s why we need food or shoes or oxygen? I don’t know. But the best is yet to come. In a box at the bottom of the flier are four incomplete statements/bullet points preceded by an incomplete title that says.

“New Britain deserves a better future…” WOW! That’s profound.

The four bullet points:

“Lowering unfair property taxes on New Britain taxpayers…” I ask, which property taxes are unfair? Then, O’Brien states, “ Representative Tim O’Brien is already the strongest advocate in the state for property tax reform. We need him in City Hall standing up for the taxpayers who live in New Britain” Another, WOW! Was there a vote taken for the “strongest advocate?” O’Brien has been saying this for 10 years but, WHAT HAS HE DONE ABOUT IPROPERTY TAX REFORM IN NEW BRITAIN? Nothing was done until Stewart was elected Mayor, NOTHING!

Next: “ …while improving neighborhoods for New Britain residents.” “ Improving neighborhood quality of life while lowering property taxes: strong anti-blight enforcement and requiring blighted buildings owners to pay for what they are cost our city.” (Sic) Until the Mayor’s office redid the anti blight ordinance that O’Brien wrote, it was unenforceable. Since the ordinance was redone, the city is actually using this clean and lien ordinance to collect some money from fines. Also O’Brien has not done one thing to lower NB property taxes, not one, ever!

#3. “Improving education for all New Britain’s kids …” “Education can be improved without local property taxes going up by getting more state magnet school funding for New Britain. Tim O’Brien fights for quality education for all kids.” Baloney! Tim O’Brien has been in the legislature for the same amount of time that Doris Kurtz has been in New Britain. Together, the two of them have presided in the greatest decline in test scores in NB schools. The original reason for creating magnet schools was to correct racial disparity in Hartford’s and other schools. In that regard the concept has been an abject failure. Tim Stewart is negotiating something right now that may help NB schools.

#4. “ … while creating jobs for New Britain’s future.” “Like creating jobs by revitalizing neighborhoods and investing in clean energy, we need Rep.Tim O’Brien’s creativity to build a brighter future for New Britain.” Have you ever seen such pure male bovine excrement in your life? This 4th, of O’Brien’s bullet points is the most meaningless bunch of prattle you ever saw. What does it mean? It’s about like his handshake, insincere and like a wet sponge.

Lou Salvio, Republican Alderman


  1. Tim O'Brien, The Problem not the Solution.

  2. The Democrats seem to be of the opinion that it is government that creates all jobs on behalf of the public sector. That situation only exists under total communism.

  3. Very nice letter Lou. But sadly folks read those 1 line lies, and they believe them. The one point that should be made is that he has said a million times over that he is for lower Property taxs. So to that end what has he done ? He voted for a budget with the largest tax increase in our states (if not nations)history, and that cuts state aid to our city ! HEY TIM !!! THAT RAISES TAXS YOU JACKASS !

    Once again Lou thank for a great letter. I only wish more folks would take the time to write to the papers and such telling of the blatant lies that O'brien tells

    Henry Zembko

  4. Anonymous said...
    Tim O'Brien, The Problem not the Solution.

    May 13, 2011 7:01 PM

    And also the working families party that endorses his candidacy every times he runs.

  5. if you listen to O'Brien, he is apparently responsible for life as we all know it here in New Britain.

  6. O'Brien is absolutely clueless. He is nothing but a puppet for the radical party leadership.
