Saturday, May 21, 2011

Democrats, Republicans Clash Over SEBAC Deal; Williams: "Most Significant Concession Package'' Ever; GOP Says Malloy "Cooked The Books,'' Using Smoke And Mirrors - Capitol Watch


  1. At the far extreme, union officials mentioned the case of a current state employee who went to the emergency room 150 times in one year - an average of three times a week. The employee has not been publicly identified, and union officials said they could not release the name because of federal privacy rules.

    Here's an idea? Limit the number of emergency room visits per year that you can have without a co-pay where you are not admitted to the hospital to something like 5? How many people go to the hospital more than 5 times in one year without being admitted to the hospital? Charge $35, or even $50 co-pay for each visit over 5. You now have fixed the problem for the one state slug that goes to the emergency room 150 times a year.

    Why punish 100,000 people because you as an employer can't control one slug?

  2. I'll bet many of those visits are on state time, what do you think?
