Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dems plan to adopt Friday; GOP say they won’t be there - The New Britain Herald (



  1. I would just like to comment on the democrats trying to retain the police officer grant. Grants have gotten the city budget into a lot of financial trouble. Grants can be described as "Indian Giver" programs that set up a city like New Britain for financial failure.

    This grant for 7 police officers sounds good depending on how you look at it. First it starts off paying for the officers but it does not pay for their benefits. Right off the bat this is a NEW EXPENSE to the budget, next the grant begins to back out paying for the officers and I believe in the 3rd year the city must fund the department with the new hires WITHOUT reducing any staffing so by the 3rd year, you need to have this money rolling on your own.

    That is how a grant works, it gives and then takes away. It creates jobs and then expects the recipient to figure out how to keep it going. In New Britain, with no new income sources, we never come up with self funding for grant programs but we never seem to lay off the positions the grant created. Why, the employee is usually a friend of someone or some other BS and so the tax payers pick up these so called grants "freebies" there is no free lunch. I give credit to Stewart for facing the fact of having to turn down the police grant. These democrats are stupid.

  2. Frank:

    I wrote the following and sent it to The Herald. Excerpts were quoted, one incorrectly, here it is:
    Subject: Courtesy and respect.

    Alderman Trueworthy:

    It is obvious that you and some of the other members of your “caucus” are practicing blatant, callous disregard and disrespect toward the Republican members of the Common Council. You need to be reminded that all 15 members of the Common Council were elected by New Britain voters, not simply Democrats. And, although you act as though it were, the United States of America is not a dictatorship.

    Why this note to you? It has come to my attention that you intend to, or have already scheduled a Special Meeting of the Council for Thursday,      (5/26) or possibly Friday, 5/27/11. Purpose? Ostensibly, to adopt the 2011/2012 Municipal Budget. While the NB Charter allows the Mayor Pro Tem to do this, once again you show your ignorance and act as though you are the only one that counts. Everyone knows why you are in such a hurry. You also will simply produce the changes in The Mayor’s Proposed Budget that you hope to advance without discussing them with anybody.  People have lives, Mike and can’t always be at your beck and call. It takes weeks to craft a budget, Mike, yet you would seek to change everything in a matter of hours and by personal fiat. Mike, you need to have your head examined as do all the Council Democrats that act like sheep being led to slaughter.

  3. The republican Alderman have elected to be part of the process.

    Alderman Truewothy and his crew are out of control.

    frank smith

  4. just more from the out of control zealots who have hijacked our party and our city council jamming through one radical part of their socialist agenda after another.

  5. and you wonder why good people don't want to run for office and face dealing with these little cry babies on the council???
