Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mayor Details ‘Drastic’ Cuts


  1. These cuts are unacceptable! Major layoffs at public works and the parks Dept must be a priority in order to save these essential services. We need to increase our volunteer staff at these types of functions in order to reduce overtime, ie, more community service officers and community emergency response team members, these two groups alone are not being used to to there potential which could save the city thousands in wasted overtime.

    The amount of money spent on fuel alone can be drastically cut but reducing idol time in city vehicles and spreading out our EMS to have one at each fire station.

    We need to stop the wasteful spending and stop letting the unions control the tax payers money!!!!

  2. Increased fees for parking violations and increased parking fee coverage:

    This is a change that should have been made years ago.

    The city is currently issuing $10 parking tickets for most violations. They are paying a parking enforcement or police officer's salary and benefits to write the tickets, then a clerk at the tax collector's office to input the ticket into their system, another clerk to process the payment, and finally a bank fee for processing the check when the ticket payment is deposited into the city's bank account, and finally don't forget the high cost of actually printing the tickets. I'd be willing to bet that the blank tickets themselves cost $1.50 to $2.00 each just to print.

    Each $10 parking ticket is probably costing the city another $20 in administrative costs, so they either should raise the fines or pay the officers to not write the tickets.

    Either option would save bundles of money.

  3. Mr. Sanders makes some valid suggestions, but the unions will never tolerate volunteers doing their work when they can rack up huge amounts of overtime, no matter what the end result may be.

    Typical greedy "me,me,me" attitude.

  4. Why not simply eliminate the parks maintenance and the public works dept and use contractors? They contract out most of the work they are supposed to do themselves anyways. I guess contracting it out under the current system leaves the employees we are paying to do the work more time for more lunches.
