Sunday, May 29, 2011


During the most recent council meeting when the Mattabassett District presented its proposed one hundred million dollar expansion plans by Mr. Brian Armet, the Executive Director of Plant.     He attempted to present to the council that they would experience a reduction in the city’s cost by allowing Middletown to enter the district however, with Alderman Mark Bernacki's questioning Mr. Armet with his stating that the lower cost to the city will actually disappear when you consider the bonding cost in order to carry the portions of the cost that is not covered by grants and will cause a much higher cost to our city. The same shall higher cost shall apply to the Towns of Berlin and Cromwell.

When asked about trucking the sludge to the MDC Mr. Armet’s immediate reply that it was cost prohibitive.

Has a proper study been conducted in order to evaluate the possibility of using rail or trucks to ship the district’s sludge to the MDC after obtaining a quote from the MDC for their cost of handling the district’s material?

Why not present the facts as they really are Mr. Armet?

Frank Smith


  1. Make's you wonder why they are trying to jam this through without any real discussion?

    Makes it seem like someone might have a personal stake in this?

  2. Regarding an article in today's (5/31/11) Herald re Mattabassett, I wrote the following:

    " Peculiar that no Herald reporter/writer submitted this article. Who wrote it? Candelori?
    I was the lone vote against this plan for a number of reasons: though Mr. Armet explained that MDC has enough capacity to burn all the sludge in CT, he did not offer convincing arguments as to why Mattabassett needs its own incinerator as opposed to trucking the sludge to MDC for burning ... the high costs of trucking that he predicted are suspect; where does the Town of Newington send its sludge? - the whole story, please; where does Mr. Armet live and what does Cromwell get out of this "deal"? What was one of the negotiated conditions that Cromwell sought before agreeing to the plan?
    Pardon the pun but, something stinks with this plan.
    As someone has already stated on this blog in previous printings, FOLLOW THE MONEY. "

  3. This entire deal stinks!
