Monday, May 16, 2011

Summary Of Agreement Between Malloy Administration And SEBAC; Some Believe It Could Prompt June 30 Retirements: The Courant


  1. Where's the savings?

    This agreement extends the union gravy train for all state employees through 2022...pathetic!

  2. Of course they can turn this deal down and then they will be guaranteed the current level of lavish benefits except for the 4500 sacrificial lambs, that is if you believe Comrade Dan, the Governor who stands with labor, would ever lay off 4500 of his union cronies.

    Smoke & Mirrors.

  3. I'm still voting NO!

  4. The taxpayers must pay each state retiree for the rest of their lives, including guaranteed yearly cost of living increases of 3%.

    Where is the savings in forcing retirees to live healthier and therefore live much longer? This would seem it will cost the state, and taxpayers countless millions paying these huge pensions for longer years by forcing these people to live longer and receive their guaranteed raises for that many more years.

    And in the end, they will get sick and need expensive medical treatments, it is inevitable, so once again where is the savings?
