Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Britain Mayor's wife and About A Dozen Arrested As Demonstrators Block I-84 Entrance Ramp At Rush Hour -


  1. Maybe she felt they should ride the busway?

  2. Big Bertha must be really proud of Mrs. O'Brien!

  3. Would you expect anything less? Look at how she let's her baby get dragged all around the political arena. Garbage.

  4. How do these union thugs and their band of layabouts think that blocking traffic at rush hour, affecting people who really WORK for a living, is going to get more people on their side? Just a guess, but I am willing to bet that Matt O'Connor probably gets paid pretty well from the union dues that these people are forced to pay, in many cases against their will.

  5. I don't understand what the message of this "occupy" movement is other than it seems that they really, really seem to hate America?

  6. July 15, 2009 – Tim O”Brien, with the “Connecticut Center for a New Economy”, said that health inequity is ... O'Brien is married to Ms. Rhona Cohen O'Brien a colored women, a member of the nonprofit (CCNE) Connecticut Center For a New Economy, 21 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford Connecticut.

    Rhona Cohen joined the CCNE staff in July of 2007.

  7. A dozen protesters who sat down as demonstrators and block I-84 entrance ramp at rush hour in down-town Hartford, CT were arrested...

    ....Arrested were Tom Swan, executive director of the (CCAG) Connecticut Citizen Action Group;
    John Murphy, a member of the (CCAG) action group;
    Daniel Hayes, a University of Connecticut student; Bill Shortell, a member of the Machinists union District 26;
    Danny Medress, political director of the CSEA-SEIU union;
    Eda DiBicarri, lead organizer for CSEA-SEIU;

    Rhona Cohen, a member of the nonprofit Connecticut Center For a New Economy;
    Danny Ravizza, a Western Connecticut State University student;
    Reese, director of the Connecticut Center For a New Economy;
    Steve Thornton, vice president of SEIU District 1199 union;
    Tony Whelan, a member of Machinists District 26;

    John Harrity, a recent Machinists retiree, said organizer Matt O'Connor, communications director of Service Employees International Union Local 2001 was also arrested.

    All were charged with disorderly conduct.

  8. The Connecticut Center for a New Economy (CCNE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the economic and social well being of working families in Connecticut's urban centers by initiating and supporting efforts to raise wages of the working poor, improve public education and training, and preserve affordable housing.

  9. O'Brien's only reported income is from his salary as a state legislator. His wife, Rhona Cohen-O'Brien, is employed by the Connecticut Oral Health Initiative and the Connecticut Center for a New Economy, an advocacy group supported by organized labor.They own property in the Bronx and New Britain.She owns stock in Apple.

  10. I wonder how Murphy & Larson like our new mayor's wife getting arrested at a protest where one of the demands was that Congressmen give back their money to the people?

    That was one of the demands that was shown on the TV news for the reason for today's protest in Hartford, that as a group, they are tired of Congressmen having more wealth than the 99 per centers.

  11. How does stopping regular working stiffs from either getting to work or getting home from work advance their cause? I guess if any of these protestors ever held a job instead of wanting to live their entire lives bleeding those of us who do work and pay taxes, then they might actually understand.

  12. When I help managed disruptions like this in Hartford, the Police would negotiate with the protesters as to who would get arrested. This is a status symbol for them and plays well to their underlings. No doubt this happened here to. She was not only arrested; but stepped forward to be. Tom Swan is from the Ct Citizen Action Group; and is Phil Sherwood's boss. Sherwood working for Mayor Segarra in Hartford. These liberals are sure to continue to attack our wallets from the state house and city hall to support them and their peeps. This of course after Obama hits them too.

  13. Another side of this issue is insurance and risk. Is Ms. Cohen now insured on the City of New Britain's medical plan? Sitting on a busy I-84 entrance ramp presents a risk to the insurance plan and the taxpayers of this city.

  14. At the O'Brien circus of family values, his family life has certainly gotten messier with the arrest of his wife, Rhona Cohen and her actions at Occupy Protest in down-town Hartford.

    New Britain parents have to work much harder these days to fend off these outside influences and graphic images of mayors wife; engaging in the Occupy Wall Street movement with her demonstrators blocking the I-84 entrance ramp at rush hour?

  15. Jon Green of West Hartford, the Connecticut Working Families Organization's executive director, has agreed to pay a $10,000 fine to the Office of State Ethics for failing to wear the required badge identifying him as a lobbyist when he lobbied state legislators on the paid sick leave bill that passed this year, the ethics agency announced Thursday.


    Cohen, the wife of New Britain Mayor Timothy O'Brien, among 13 people arrested in Hartford 'occupy' protest...
    Cohen: 'I want to stand up because enough is enough'...
    O'Brien: 'My wife is her own person'...
    Cohen charged with disorderly conduct...
    CCAG's Swan arrested...
    Wesleyan students chant 'we are the 99 percent'...
    ...yearly tuition $56,341...

  17. Was Olivia there with her or is Olivia on duty in O'Brien's office in City Hall? What a mess. Incidentally, Sherwood has announced that he will be a fixture in City Hall. His role to be is that he will interview prospective businesseds and ask them, "where's the beef?" Surprised?

    When does Greg Gerratana arrive?

    Is Dr. Gerratana back in City Hall milking the city for many $Ks for workers comp cases?

  18. It just makes one want to barf. Extreme radicals spending our hard earned tax dollars.
    Holy Crap!

    Voters seriously deserve it too. They let happen then complain about it.

  19. Published on The Connecticut Mirror.
    ( )
    12 arrested on I-84 ramp in economic protest.

    CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 spokesman Matt O'Connor said the 12 protesters expected to be arrested.

    Before the arrests, Rhona Cohen said she felt ready for police to arrest her for the cause and that she's never been arrested before. Cohen, an activist, is also the wife of newly elected New Britain Mayor Tim O'Brien.

    "The time is now to take a stand," she said. "I want to stand up because enough is enough. We've been running and running trying to make ends meet. It's time to stand up with the millions."

    "We're going to this spot because it's decrepit," Cohen said. "There is legislation that could support this kind of construction and rebuilding."

  20. Hey Rhona, hello! Nobody wants to do business in CT anymore because of radicals like you and your husband.

    I can't wait to see how you idiots handle Costco.

  21. Costco will be history in the O'Brien Administration?


    Because Tim O'Brien is the (politician) as stated by WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.'Brien_(politican)

  22. Completley clueless and CLASSLESS. Is she nuts? Must have some screws loose to do something as stupid as that. You're not even 48 hours in as the mayors wife and this is what you do? im all for peaceful protesting, but youve got to be an idiot to get yourself arrested. Nothing like setting a shining example for the children of New Britain that its OKAY to fight the police, break the law and get arrested. Our classless first lady. Can we do a re-vote?

  23. NOTE: Alderman Willie Pabon stated that one topic that's still being negotiated at New Britain City Hall is the construction of a Costco Store on Hartford Road in NB.

    Noting Stewart's support of efforts to open a Costco in the City, Pabon said bluntly, "I think it's going to die." Democratic Mayor Timothy O"Brien has not been as ardent a Costco supporter as Stewart.

  24. I talked to an elderly gentleman this morning who is always the first to put out a lawn sign for a Democrat. He was embarrassed when he said that he read about the mayor's wife and admitted that he did not know the kind of people they were.

    Democrats must learn that their party was taken over by the whackos and they must see the light. We are in deep trouble. Defronzo the Second will really drag us down.

  25. This is a embarrassment to the city of New Britain, I'm discussted!!!!!!!

  26. I'd be surprised if Costco didn't pull out all on their own. You would think they would have researched the fact that Wal-Mart, the world's largest employer and largest retailer, pulled out of here after O'Brien and his commie cronies formed one radical extremist protest after another in front of their business. As I recall, the last protest was about demanding that WalMart hire all Hispanics for their managers. Wait until Costco finds out what happens the first time they don't capitulate to every demand of the local band of commies and wackos!

  27. employment inequality = capitalism

    employment equality = communism
