Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Democrats Choose Lopes As 24th District Candidate - Courant.com



  1. Pete Steele, you have this one in your pocket!!
    Good Luck:)

  2. According to the New Britain Herald article, Dr. Frank Gerratanna, delegate,( husband of Sen. Terry Gerratana who is the sister of Council woman Suzanne Bielinski) stated Mr. Lopes has the "proper values to be a State legislator." You've got to be kidding me! Please remember the voters of the City of New Britain did not return him to his Council seat when he decided to register his vehicles in W. Hrtfd rather than New Britain. Did not wish to pay the taxes in the town he lived in and served. Then, he is given a job in then Sen. Don DeFronzo's office and at one point is found to be the culprit in the rumaging through the desk in the office of a Republican, am I correct? Mr. Lopes has the moral/proper values of those legislators we need to get rid of in this country not those we wish to elect. Go, Pete Steele and do remind the voters here and in Newington of Mr. Lopes' "proper" valued background. Sickening. Take a lesson from their how to win an election playbook, Mr. Steele, because nominating Lopes is a most in your face, disgusting move and that man deserves no career in politics, not at any level.

  3. I do not think that the "Working Families Party" will even endorse LOPES if they are smart. He is a low life and will do more harm than good to the Working Families Party.

    Lopes will drag everybody down he is a LOOSER.

  4. If Lopes has the values to become a legislator, heaven help us all. I hope he details his history on all his mailers so all can see. I hope the Working Families Party has some common sense and refuses to endorse Lopes. I can't believe the Democrats endorse with blindfolds on.

  5. Is anyone wondering what promises have been made to Sharon and Michael for their futures in the political arena in order for them to allow this position to be thrown to Lopes?
