Friday, November 25, 2011

Explosion of Immigrants


  1. Census Bureau figures disclosed that the number of foreign-born residents in the United States, legal and illegal, reached 40 million last year, the highest in American history. Fourteen million immigrants came to America between 2000-2010.

    The Bureau reports that, of the 40 million total foreign-born residents, 10-12 million are likely illegal folks residing and/or hiding in these United States.

  2. The federal government is bending over backwards to accommodate the estimated 12 million illegal aliens through back door amnesty. Since Congress has not acted to write amnesty legislation, a stealth amnesty began during the week of November 17, 2011 with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reviewing all deportation cases.

  3. A very wise radio talk show host and author offered a simple solution to our quandary: “borders, language, and culture.” Enforce and protect the borders, require English only language proficiency, and promote, teach, and respect our monolithic culture.

  4. If you noticed that even though Texas has the longest border along Mexico (1,800 miles) and are also the largest land mass in the continental U.S., they are no where near the top for the most illegal aliens in their state.

    I believe that is because the illegals leave Texas for bleeding heart liberal states like New York or Connecticut because they don't get a free ride in Texas.

    Way to go Governor Perry!

  5. All immigrants, whether legal or illegal, should be required to take English as a Second Language courses; elementary and high school students should be required to pass these courses. There are many immigrants who have been here for many years who cannot or do not speak English. Puerto Rico should teach English from 1st grade to high school graduation, since many of their residents move to the U.S. as young adults.
