Sunday, November 6, 2011

For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Pete Steele


Bernacki Challenges O’Brien’s Effectiveness

None of O’Brien’s 252 Proposed Bills Ever Passed by Lawmakers

New Britain – Republican Mayoral candidate Mark Bernacki says his opponent State Rep. Tim O’Brien is misleading residents by grossly exaggerating his record of accomplishments in recent mailings and statements.

"My opponent has proposed 252 bills during his career as a legislator, and none of those proposals have passed,” said Bernacki. "Amazingly, my opponent calls himself a successful fighter at the State Capitol on behalf of residents, a recent third-party mailing described him as an 'experienced leader' who can get things done. The facts tell a completely different story. Anyone who looks at my opponent's nine years as a state legislator will find a record of failure, not success.”

Bernacki added that even with a Democratic supermajority, none of O’Brien’s proposals have even made it out of committee to be called for a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“Simply stated, my opponent's point of view is too radical. His ideas are too expensive to be supported by other members of his own party and they are too expensive for New Britain taxpayers. He just doesn’t get it.”

Conversely, Bernacki noted that during his own 18 years of service on the New Britain City Council over 90 percent of his proposed council resolutions have passed.

Bernacki pointed to O'Brien's most recent campaign mailing which claims that O'Brien has the “best record of holding down property taxes."

”First, my opponent seems to have already forgotten that just a few short months ago, he voted in favor of reducing the $500 property tax credit for working families to $300,” Bernacki said. "That's $200 out of our pockets. Second, the State of Connecticut does not directly regulate our property taxes. This is just another example of how out of touch my opponent is with New Britain's needs. We need relief, not more taxes and spending.”

During O’Brien’s tenure at the state capitol, New Britain has received less state aid as compared to other major municipalities in our state. “Although my opponent cannot affect local property tax rates as a state legislator, he voted for the largest tax increase in state history as proposed by Governor Malloy. Your DMV fees now cost more, gas prices have gone up, your cigarettes and alcohol are more expensive, even your children’s clothing now costs you more because of his careless vote.”

”If residents want someone who can actually hold the line on taxes, foster economic development and improve the quality of life in New Britain – not just talk about it, then they should take a look at my record,” said Bernacki. “I don’t have to fluff up my resume or take credit for legislation written by others. I stand on my accomplishments.”



  1. It appears that O'Brien is even too radical an extremist for those radicals in Hartford!

  2. This past session Tim O'Brien also proposed a bill that would extend municipal retirement benefits and mayoral pension when combined with time served at the state level for a combined term of 10 years. Because Tim O'Brien has served 8 years at the state level should he win the mayoral race here in New Britain the two year term combined with his 8 years would automatically give him a 10 year served retirement from The City of New Britain paid for by the taxpayers of the City of New Britain.

    So who is Tim O'Brien looking out for?

  3. Looks like the Republicans are scared and are grasping at straws at this point...

  4. Not grasping at straws just stating the facts and being careful how our money is being spent.

  5. Republicans are scared? Every taxpaying citizen should be scared if Tim O'Brien manages to get elected mayor.

  6. The Bernacki Team is the way to go. The team is diverse and has been working hard. Please vote the Bertnacki Team - Row B. The Republicans are NOT grasing at straws. They are stating facts.

  7. If Tim O'Brien is too radical an extremist for those radicals in Hartford, will they engage in the O'Brien November turkey shoot?

  8. Where is the sign up sheet for the O'Brien November Turkey Shoot...

  9. A quick review of Tim O'Brien's record as a state legislator. He claims that he has done so much for New Britain and about how wonderful his ideas are. But out of the hundreds of bills he has introduced not a single one has made it out of committee alive. Apparently even his fellow democrats are embarrassed by his ideas.

  10. It says a lot about one's character when he is too radical an extremist even for the radical extremists in our legislature!

  11. The confused Candidate Tim O'Brien with his hand written 252 junk legislative bills...

    ...Yes, Tim O'Brien has proposed 252 legislative bills during his career as a legislator, but none of those proposals have seen the light of day at the Capital up in Hartford?

  12. Anonymous said...

    The confused Candidate Tim O'Brien with his hand written 252 junk legislative bills...

    ...Yes, Tim O'Brien has proposed 252 legislative bills during his career as a legislator, but none of those proposals have seen the light of day at the Capital up in Hartford?


  13. Where is the sign up sheet for the O'Brien November Turkey Shoot Fund Raiser$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
