Sunday, November 13, 2011


The prevailing practice among Democrats that win elections, especially those Democrats that have little of substance to offer to people who elect them, apparently, is to play the “BLAME” game. President Obama has used the past three years to blame everything wrong on Bush; Malloy’s administration blames the do-nothing Rell (true enough) though she did nothing with a Democratic legislature with a super majority; and in New Britain, where we have Democrats that have yet to be sworn in, starting to blame Mayor Stewart. The best example is in another local paper today where the newly elected (1st time) Alderman Dave DeFronzo blaming the freak snow storm and the havoc it wreaked, on Mayor Stewart. This is the same Dave DeFronzo that opposes and opposed, the Aquinas proposal, Costco and the CREC Health Careers Magnet School.

One would think that Mayor Stewart had intoned the “Weather Deities”, Meteora, Boreus and Thor to bring this catastrophe on New Britain. I suggest to Mr. DeFronzo that before trying to fix blame on Mayor Stewart, that he take a good look at the front page of the section of that competing paper and read the expose of NU, CLP and the Lobbyists that have worked hand in glove with members of both major parties to give this Major Utility all the favorable legislation it needs to be a slacker when it comes to responding to catastrophes. Among the lobbyists that received handsome compensation was newly appointed (by O’Brien) Corporation Counsel, John King.

Mr. DeFronzo lives in the same neighborhood as my son. If he fared as well as my son, he was without power for 8 days. Other folks I know did not have power restored until 10 or 11 days had elapsed. Some of the hardest hit towns were the “wealthy” suburbs. Perhaps they could blame Mayor Stewart for getting power restored to NB residents!

Mr. DeFronzo, stop the childish antics and the BLAME game. Do your homework and look to make things better for NB. Pointing fingers should be done in front of a mirror. As Obama once said to John McCain after a testy confrontation with the Senator, “the election is over senator.” DAVE, the election is over, time for you to put blame in the trash basket and start acting responsibly.

Lou Salvio, New Britain Resident


  1. It is my hope that Lou Salvio stays in the arena. He thought hard and worked hard to no avail because of the uniformed mind set of New Britain voters. We lost many outstanding candidates to those who are not in the least outstandng. Defronzo is a gym teacher in an elementary school with no credits in community work. He is riding on his father's coattails which were only good to the uniformed.

    Hitler and his ilk came into power by the uniformed which is a kind way of saying,"stupid'.

  2. What can you expect in a city that elects a bunch of commies?

  3. What can you expect in a city that elects a bunch of commies?

  4. The only thing left to do is join the rest of the millions of people who are fleeing the expanse of communism in the Northeast and move to a conservative, right-to-work state where unions are illegal and basically so are Democrats!

  5. Asked what he was most proud of, Lou Salvio said it was his interaction with the New Britain public.

    “I am most proud of telling the truth to the people of New Britain,” he said. “If anyone called me, I addressed their concerns. I did my homework. I was not a slacker.”

    Political leaders from both parties said Salvio brought a style all his own to the council.

  6. Salvio, a retired science teacher who lives on Russwin Road, said he got along well with the city’s department heads. That goodwill — for the most part — did not follow through to the council.

    While Salvio said he is friends with some Democratic councilors, he added that the council under former Democratic Mayor Lucian J. Pawlak had a more positive outlook on issues than the 2007-2009 and 2009-2011 councils.

    “We had an excellent council,” Salvio said. “They were all smart people. We had different people who were attuned to city government.”

    The last four years — evident to anyone who watches the council proceedings on cable television or attends in person — have not been cordial, many agree.

  7. Where did he expect people to go since the city was 90% without power. The schools had no power. Malloy did not open the armory. I was at the Senior Center and Mike and his workers did a wonderful job.

  8. Thats right Congress man Mr. Murphy, blame the "Tea Party" because the Dems NEVER had a veto proof majority. Blame the Tea Party because they want fiscal responsibility, blame the Tea Party because Gitmo is still open, blame the Tea Party because they are against raising taxes during a time of hardship and record unemployment for the country...yep all their fault.

    We dont believe you are suffering from previously undiagnosed dysphoria so it must be pre-election rhetoric.

    Hey Congress Man Mr. Murphy, got any real ideas?.

  9. The liberals simply can't stand the fact that the Republican majority in Congress is doing exactly what their constituents elected them to do, exactly what their constituents expect them to do: Stopping communist Democrats in their tracks. They were elected to make sure that Obama, Pelosi and Read can not transform this country into some sort of European socialist country, the kind that is collapsing all over Europe because there is no one left to pay for all their freebies.

    Thankfully, the majority of Americans are opposed to the kind of socialism that Democrats stand for--get over it!

  10. Well its clear that Mr DeForonzo is out to show how much power he has to be calling such meetings. His "leadership" is very apparent

    Unfortunate how OBrien doesn't realize that in the next two years he'll be the scapegoat for anything that happens.

    In the feature the socialists are setting Deforonzo up to run the show... with daddy at full helm.

    Political bs at its best and the city doesn't seem to be getting any better.
