Thursday, November 17, 2011

Former Mayor, 911 Dispatcher Offer Varying Accounts Of Storm Response -


  1. I notice this so-called news account fails to recognize that the dispatcher is a union zealot who ran unsuccessfully for Alderman as a "Working Families Party" candidate.

    Would that shed some light on the possible motives for this story?

  2. United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (UE)
    Salary Breakdown (2009)

    Gross Salary: $0.00
    Allowances: $0.00
    Official Business: $2,100.00
    Other Compensation: $0.00
    Total Compensation: $2,100.00

  3. Listening to Mrs. Lausch's comments last night (no video)told the whole story about what and who she is; nothing but a complainer that belongs to the most uncooperative union in NB. She was so filled with hate that she even found it necessary to mention that one of the dispather's is the son of Pete Steele. Do you know Pete Steele? Didn't think so.

    Of all the commenters during P.P., hers were the only abusive and negative comments. What a sorry example of a citizen!

  4. I thought her comments were very unprofessional and was surprised that New Britain doesn't have rules against police dispatchers making public comments on official matters that arise directly our of their employment.

  5. A perfect example of how unions are destroying our nation and why I would never spend my hard earned money at any business that employs union thugs at their establishment. The first question I ask before doing business with anyone is if their help is unionized and if the answer is "yes" then I simply leave.

  6. Does Ms Lausch realize that the election is over? No need to offer negative comments on former Mayor Stewart. There were few negative remarks in regard to Mayor Stewart...what is the point?

  7. If Ms. Lausch is such a gift to man kind, then why did the voters of New Britain overwhelmingly reject her and her radical agenda?
