Thursday, November 24, 2011

Governor Malloy's Errors with his executive orders numbers 9 & 10.


These orders attempted to order the child care industry to become unionized however, a letter issued by the attorney representing "WE THE PROPLE OF CONNECTICUT, INC. pointed to his errors.
Therefore, Malloy looked to the legislature to make his mandate a law and Senate Bill number 1106 did just that.

It authorized the commissioner of the Social Services demand that all child care providers to join the union or lose their state financial support effective 10-1-11.

This is the first industry that the Malloy Industry has implemented such an edict.

How many more industries does Malloy intend to attack for the union buddies?

No wonder Pratt has been moving their facilities out of state.

Texas and other states have been enticing our industries to move to their locations.

Malloy's attempt to Socialize our state and the way it does bussiness,is certainly failing.


  1. These sound more like the orders of a communist dictator than of a governor of an American state where we once celebrated our freedoms. Connecticut is no longer a free state.

  2. What happens to our "first child" down at city hall, will Phil have to pay union dues to change the diapers?

  3. I guess Phil will follow slimy palms around with a diaper pail!
