Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey:Phil Whoever You Are

A person representing himself to be Phil wrote in the new Britain Herald: "dear Union Hater aka New Britain Democrat. The EOC is not manned by union members but by department heads. If they live in the city like they should per charter it would not be a big deal to get the EOC to open it up."
Whoever you are " Phil" you comments are totally wrong when you say the Department Heads must live in New Britain and I ask where in the charter does this mandate exist?

Recall that Joseph Carilli the former NBPW Director, fought this and won his case allowing many city directors to live out of the city.

So Phil get you facts before you shoot your mouth off.



  1. Costco will be history?


    Because Tim O'Brien is the (politician) as stated in WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.'Brien_(politican)

    NOTE: Alderman Willie Pabon stated that one topic that's still being negotiated at City Hall is the construction of a Costco on Hartford Road in NB.

    Noting Stewart's support of efforts to open a Costco in the City, Pabon said bluntly, "I think it's going to die." Democratic Mayor Timothy O"Brien has not been as ardent a Costco supporter as Stewart.

  2. 12 Arrested on I-84 on Ramp in Economic Protest.

    The organized protestors need to march on the Hartford capitol and Washington DC. Private businesses are not responsible for fiscal crisis CT and America face today. It is the elected officials AT ALL LEVELS that are responsible for over spending and over borrowing!

    SEIU and AFLCIO organize people to block on ramps for workers heading home after a long day trying to make money to pay their bills and feed their families....shameful actions by the unions.

    Vote out all incumbents (Rs and Ds) in 2012 election!

  3. One of the protesters arrested, Rhona Cohen, it the newly elected liberal mayor of New Britain, Timothy O'Brien's wife. Mr. O'Brien's socialist plans are part of the problem in America today. Socialism is the reason why the economy is in the state it is in.

    What is the difference between giving bailouts to banks and handouts to the citizen's? Absolutely nothing. At least the banks employ people and pay taxes, those on the "dole" don't do either of those things.

  4. Why are the Connecticut Citizen Action Group (aka ACORN) and the SEIU, protesting against Hartford's crumbling economy and infrastructure?

    We do hope that the Mayor of Hartford proves himself and sends these groups and those arrested (including Rhona Cohen) and bill's the police costs to her husband, the Mayor of New Britain and NOT stick the bill to the Hartford taxpayers!!

  5. If our new Mayor, Tim O'Brien wants to improve New Britain residents' quality of life, he will endorse the construction of Costco on Hartford Road.
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if Costco opens a store in New Britain, it will employ people from New Britain, and also pay a fairly substantial amount of taxes to the city, making the economic benefits to the residents a positive reality...The sooner the better!!
    It's bad enough he was partly responsible for the closing of WalMart on Farmington Ave. several months ago...Let's not drive businesses out of town...encourage them to move into town, and/or stay here!!
    Mayor O'Brien, make it a top priority to attract new businesses to New Britain, and keep the ones we have.

  6. If our new Mayor, Tim O'Brien wants to improve New Britain residents' quality of life, he will move out of town.
