Saturday, November 19, 2011


The Mayor has selected the Democrat's trouble maker Phil Sherwood commonly known for his well publicized comments such as "where is the beef."

In addition to grant writing he will also advise the Mayor with policy problems.

This appointment surfaced subsequently to the Mayor's Edict calling for a "hiring freeze."

Here goes the implied budget freeze too.

With Sherwood attempting to fill Joe Shilinga's shoes he will soon find out that his feet are too small.



  1. Tim O'Brien is mayor because the majority of NB voters are uneducated, uninformed and easily persuaded by Dems and union thugs who lie to them, persuade them to get on buses and vote for whoever they are backing. The only time the majority of NB voters can't be persuaded is when they are mad and want change. Then they simply turn against the incumbent. We are destined for failure under O'Brien, but it will probably take 10 years of failure before he gets voted out. By then, the damage will be done: taxes will increase dramatically, the schools will be no better, the crime rate will rise, downtown will die, the golf course deal will fall apart, COSTCO won't come, the busway will get killed and no jobs will be created. But we'll have lots more people on welfare, our government will be completely "transparent" and all the blight will be gone!!

    Doesn't that sound awesome?

  2. As one of our elected state representatives for the last 12 years, doesn't O'Brien share the blame for Connecticut being rated 50th in the nation due to our financial instability and the non-partisan "truth in accounting" organization classifying our state as a "sink hole."

    I guess the same people that would celebrate such a radical extremist being elected mayor will also soon be celebrating when New Britain earns its rating as a sink hole too.

    Under 12 years of Tim Stewart's leadership, the financial condition of New Britain is sound and tax increases have been avoided.

    Watch what is about to happen now, but I am sure as New Britain approaches financial collapse, O'Brien will publicly blame Stewart in a similar manner to how Obummer continues to blame Bush for his own total incompetence.

  3. I heard from a friend of mine that O'Brien held a meeting of all the department heads and at the meeting Sherwood ran everything while O'Brien just sat there like a bump on a log. My friend said he was left with the impression that O'Brien is just a figurehead and Sherwood is the defacto Mayor.

  4. I had to read it again, because at first I thought it said "communist director"

  5. Maybe Sherwood's first communication on behalf of the mayor should be to the elected Democrats who are also tax delinquents by telling them to pay up or resign from their positions?
    If city leaders who are charged with making and enforcing the laws don't pay their taxes, I would like to hear from Sherwood why any of us should pay?

  6. Next thing you know, New Britain's crime rate will be parallel to Hartford..shootings and other serious crimes.

  7. Some hiring freeze. How about hiring a Building Department director first so that residents can get permits approved. Instead OBrien focuses on a guy to write his press releases. And how about filling those vacant committees after you got rid of all the commissioners. How is business supposed to go on in New Britain? This guy has no sense

  8. Wasn't Joe Shilinga a part time employee? This job is a 40 hour a week position? No way.

  9. Is this the beginning of the end of New Britain?

    Mourning wreaths should be put on all of the "Welcome to New Britain" signs, and remain there until the O'Brien/Sherwood team is a thing of the past.

    May God have mercy on us all!!

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