Friday, November 4, 2011

Minority Leader Salvio Spells it Out About "TiM O'Brien"

Perhaps CLP will have our schools etc., up and running with power by Tues. so the municipal election can go on as scheduled.

More often than one might hope, campaigns can get nasty bringing innocent family members of candidates into positions where they are “made” to support positions of opposition candidates. These family members may have their livelihoods threatened if they don’t support candidates that are on opposite slates as their family member. Such is the case with a family member of mine. Know this at the outset, I have never been sent – except for once, recently - any of Tim O’Brien’s campaign flyers. Yet, a member of my family was showcased on an O’Brien flyer, ostensibly supporting his positions that I oppose. This shows what a snake is this man and his campaign managers.

Most folks who read my letters to the editor or my “signed” comments on the blogs, know that I have been very critical, pointed and factual against Democrat candidate for Mayor, Tim O’Brien. The man is an inveterate prevaricator.

He claims to bring $millions to NB for education, property tax relief for seniors, blight relief, etc. Truth? He has not had one bill passed in ten years in the state legislature. The only education or other funds that come from the state for education, etc., are those that every city and town get. Tim O’Brien single handedly squashed a $15 million dollar sale of excess, unusable NB Water Dept. land to the Tilcon Co. In addition, O’Brien and his Council cronies, Trueworthy, DeFronzo, Hermanowski and Magnuszewski were/are all against the Costco, Aquinas and other proposals. Also, he did not object last year when other towns, less needy than NB received more in education funding. He thought it was fair because, “maybe the other towns needed funds more than NB!!! No lie!

Yet, O’Brien’s camp and campaign manager (a carpet bagger like O’Brien) don’t come after me, they go after an innocent family member of mine. O’Brien is a charlatan, a faker who has never held a real job, has little to show in the way of an educational resume, knows nothing about running a business and has never accomplished anything in the legislature other than getting elected. He has supported Malloy’s highest tax increase in the state’s history. Further he knows nothing about New Britain.

Tim O’Brien: if you want to criticize or take shots at me, do it, but leave my family out of it. Tim’ you are lower than whale excrement that is at the ocean bottom.

Vote for “Team Bernacki.”

Lou Salvio, Republican Alderman
City of New Britain


  1. Lou, This is what they do best. Look at what the did to Bernacki and Pabon during the Stewart/Gerranata election, anything to make Stewart,Bernacki and Pabon evil in the eyes of the public. It was interesting when Pabon asked DeFronzo for a yes or no answer if he thought Bernacki and he were doing anything wrong. DeFronzo WOULD NOT Give a yes or no answer. It is all on tape from Nutmeg TV. It goes to show you how low the Dems will go to win.

  2. Democrats are simply the scum of the earth and O'Brien is a great candidate to represent that scum!

  3. I just left a local, long time, New Britain business where the owner who does not reside in the city told me he is praying that Mark and the entire Row B team get elected. His employees, New Britain residents will all be voting for Mark and his team. They are concerned about the welfare of the city as it pertains to the working, taxpaying, and those contributing to business and commerce here.

    People FEAR Tim O'Brien.

    Sally Eigenraam
    Candidate for Alderman at Large
    The Mark Bernacki Team Row B

  4. Aren't Democrats generally :the unwashed" anyway?

  5. The Tim O'Brien B.S. on That "NO BID" Process?

    That "no-bid" contract BS was a non-story that is now being regurgitated at election time. Alderman Bernacki's printing business gave quotes of less than $3,000 to various city departments, such as Park and Rec, not to the Mayor's office.

    The mayor does not micromanage who gets the contract for printing up a couple hundred pamphlets, and even if he did, he couldn't control who the low-quote is. It is not a bidding process in the bid-contract sense, and this current Mayor actually LOWERED the contracts that need to be bid out from $10,000 to $3,000, thus creating MORE transparency in the bid process.

    Alderman Bernacki also does not involve himself in the quotes for city contracts, which he has stated.

    O'Brien, on the other hand, has once again received TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from businesses and unions that operate outside of our city and even outside of our state. Who WILL he be beholden to should he get elected!?

  6. PLEASE NOTE: That the Mayoral Candidate Mr. Tim O'Brien has been endorsed by the (WFP) Working Families Party and Big Bertha Lewis, President of the infamous Acorn Party/ and the WFP.

    If Mr. O'Brien wins the election he will be beholden to and kissing BIG Bertha Lewis's Rear End ?

    And we will be moving out of the State of Connecticut!

  7. It is alarming to think that over the past 10 years O’Brien has introduced hundreds of legislative bills up in Hartford that have gone absolutely nowhere.

    One has to question what ideas he has that are so far off base that he can’t even get his own party to support them.

    O’Brien has said that he wants to encourage cooperation on the New Britain Common Council, but he can’t even get his own party to go along with his ideas how does he expect to create a climate of bipartisanship and cooperation in New Britain's City Hall?

  8. O'Brien is a socialist loser. Just like he lost the last mayoral election.
