Friday, November 18, 2011

New Mayor's Wife Arrested At Demonstration -



  1. I'm surprised that the media printed this story considering that they didn't think that the arrest of a state representative under similar circumstances was newsworthy. Might it be that O'Brien is too radical an extremist for even the news media?

  2. Mayor elect O'Brien can't keep his left wing wife under control and he expects to keep New Britain under control? And his wife, Rhona Cohen-O'Brien is the woman who has the "ear" of the new Mayor of New Britain? Better grab your wallet folks - and hold on for dear life, taxes will be going up under the O'Brien administration?

    What an embarrassment for the City of New Britain, when his activist wife with her pink arm band, was marching and protesting against the Aetna Insurance Company, Bank of America, Webster Bank and Hartford Courant.

    The Mayor's wife also protested at sit-in at the I-84 ramp in Hartford that got her arrested. "We're going to this spot because its decrepit,"Cohen said, "There is legislation that could support this kind of construction and rebuilding. The time is now to take a stand," she said.

  3. Is she crazy? She could have killed someone. The offramp off I 84 during rush hour! What a ridiculous woman.

    She put commuters, police officers and others at risk. Free speech is one thing, but do you have to annoy the working class.


    Rhona Cohen, the wife of New Britain Mayor Timothy O'Brien, among 13 people arrested in Hartford 'occupy' protest...
    Cops escort arrested protestors 'probably even more politely than a hostess at a restaurant'...
    Cohen: 'I want to stand up because enough is enough'...
    O'Brien: 'My wife is her own person'...
    Cohen charged with disorderly conduct...
    CCAG's Swan arrested...
    O'Brien's wife arrested at protest...
    Wesleyan students chant 'we are the 99 percent'...
    ...yearly tuition $56,341.

    Advertise on Capitol Report...

  5. The New Britain Costco will be history?


    Because Tim O'Brien is (politician) as reported in WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia.'Brien_(politican)

    NOTE: Alderman Willie Pabon stated that one topic that's still being negotiated at City Hall is the construction of a Costco on Hartford Road in NB.

    Noting Former Mayor Stewart's support of efforts to open a Costco Store in the City, Pabon said bluntly, "I think it's going to die." Democratic Mayor Timothy O"Brien has not been as ardent a Costco supporter as Tim Stewart.


    The protest began at 3 p.m. in front of Aetna on Farmington Avenue, where demonstrators marched in a circle carrying signs and flags and chanting "Aetna, Aetna, you're no good; help build up our neighborhood," among other things.

    From Aetna, the protesters marched along Farmington Avenue, passing in front of Webster Bank and Bank of America, and shouting slogans targeting the banks. The protesters then urned right on Flower Street and marched behind the Hartford Courant building, chanting "shame on the Hartford Courant."

    Demonstrators said they were rallying against layoffs and management bonuses at the banks and media company.

  7. We all got a good chuckle to read that our new mayor's wife got arrested! Tim O'Brien's family is going to make New Britain look worse than it already is. It's not bad enough that we have unwed moms and dads collecting every penny from every organization, and raising kids to believe that they'll get hand-outs all their lives to live on. New Britain needs to clean up and O'Brien better get his families act together and do what is right for the citizens and tax payers of New Britan. "

  8. According to the Frank Smith Says Blog, Mayor Tim O'Brien and his wife, Rhona Cohen own property in New Britain and the Bronx in New York and even some Apple Stock. And these two characters are the people protesting absent landlords and corporate greed in New Britain and Hartford? Give me a break?



    The Capital Report Headline of 6 words Says It All about Mayor O'Brien and his wife.

  10. You are a high profile person Rhona Cohen, wife of Mayor of NB and people look up to you in a different way than plain Jane Citizen? Now you know how Mayor Stewart felt everytime you Dems., profiled his private life. Welcome to the Mayor's & Wife's world of the non private life. So start using better judgement Ms. Cohen-O'Brien as you are a representative of our City, so please don't embarrass us again with your pink arm band foolishness with sit-in protests.

    You now reside in Polish City of New Britain - Not New York/the Big Apple where you lived? How's your Apple Stock doing - is it supporting poor folks here in NB?

  11. Four Mounted Police Officers Control Protesters.

    Scores of police, including some on horses, blocked off the roads leading to the Broad Street on-ramp, one of the main highway access points close to the State Capitol in Hartford.

    The protesters first gathered outside the headquarters of Aetna, one of the state’s largest insurance companies, then walked several blocks through spattering rain to the Hartford I-84 on- ramp.

    “Banks Got Bailed Out, We Got Sold Out,” was one of the demonstrators’ favorite chants.

    Organizers said the intent of blocking the highway entrance in the middle of rush hour was to draw attention to their continuing efforts to secure economic justice for the vast majority of Connecticut citizens looking for jobs.

  12. I guess it is acceptable for someone to own stock in Apple Computer while demonizing those evil rich corporations so long as they continue to preach the liberal extremist propaganda of the organization that is paying them. O'Brien's wife is being portrayed by some as a modern day "Joan of Arc" when in reality she is nothing more than a professional paid agitator similar to Sherwood--who's former professional agitator boss was arrested along side O'Brien's wife during the same incident.

  13. Organizers said the intent of blocking the I-84 highway entrance ramp in the middle of rush hour was to draw attention to their continuing efforts to secure economic justice for the vast majority of Connecticut citizens looking for JOBS....

    ...It looks like those New Britain Costco jobs will be torpedo and sunk by the O'Brien administration?

  14. It was reported in the Hartford Advocate that one of the Police Mounted Horse's did his duty at the same spot where O'Briens wife and the 12 others protesters were sitting, mixture of both Liquid and Solid Horse Manure?

  15. too bad she wasn't still there at the time!

  16. I heard that the horse got so excited that it had to relieve itself on the very spot where she had been sitting.

  17. Horse Poop/Hartford I-84 Ramp/It's No Joke.

    "A lot of people don't really think about what to do until it becomes a problem," said Jenifer Nadeau, an associate professor at the University of Connecticut and an equine extension specialist.

    That's exactly the kind of horse poop that makes folks who worry about water quality cringe. If not handled properly, those piles can easily wash there damaging nitrogen and other contaminants into the ground or nearest water body.

  18. Notice the “poop” terminology used to grab everybody’s attention.

    It does work, people are poopophobic for sure. The average homeowner who fertilizes his lawn, washes his car, changes his oil, uses landscape equipment, (which uses/leaks fuel/oil) and yes folks, has a septic system for his human manure is the real cause of an immeasurable amount of....poop !

  19. I think that the biggest cause of future poop in New Britain will be each time our new mayor opens his mouth!
