Sunday, November 6, 2011


New Britain Voters: Election day is near and please read the following:

Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knocking’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.”

Therefore please note that all the New Britain candidates that accepted Big Bertha's endorsement[ THE WORKING FAMILLIES PARTY ] are not listed below because of their socialist connection with Bertha Lewis who was very proud to announce that she is a "socialist" and promised to come knocking on the "NEW BRITAIN'S'" City Hall doors to make her feelings known on how to vote on issue of her interest.


Ward One: Jamie Giantonio [R], and Alderman Willie Pabon [R].
Ward Two: Rich Gadomski [R], and Mario Santos [R]
Ward Three candidates that deserves your vote.
Adrien Baron [R], Emmanul Sanchez [D], and Alex Schwarz [R].
Ward Four: Don Naples [R], and Daniel Davis [R].
Ward Five: Carlo Carlozzi, Jr. [D], and Peter Scirpo [R] A New Britain Police officer.

At Large candidates that not affiliated With Working Families Party / or Bertha Lewis and her socialistic group: Sally Eigenraam [R}, James Griffin [R], Alderperson Marry Marrocco [R], Alderman Louis Salvio [R], and Henry Zembko.[R]

Board of Assessment Appeals; Mary Lou Sanders [R], Peter Kochol [D] and Thomas Schenk[R]

Board of Education: Nick Mercier [R],Carlos Pina Jr. [D], James Sanders Sr. [ R], and Erin Stewart [R]

For Mayor: Mark Bernacki [R] is the only choice for the welfare of our city. He has the best educational background compared with the other mayoral candidates and firsthand experience of the city's business serving as an Alderman for many years. Please note: That the Mayoral candidate Tim O'Brien was endorsed by the WFP and Big Bertha Lewis Preident of the infamous Acorn party/ and the WFP.

For Tax Collector; Cheryl C. Blogoslawski [R] She is the current tax collector with experience.



  1. I had one of those socialist working families people knock on my door yesterday for O'Brien. I drove around my neighborhood afterwards and saw a whole army of them out there. What are we doing on our end to make up for this?

  2. Anonymous, if you'd like to volunteer your time to door knock for our slate I'm sure we could provide you with a walking list for your neighborhood.

    Many of our candidates have been out knocking door to door this year, as a Town Committee we have also committed significantly more funding to all forms of advertisement, direct mail, phone calling, and news print.

    Unfortunately we don't have the funds to pay an army of workers to come out and door knock for us. But if you'd like to donate your time or your money to help fight the cause the party will graciously accept both.

  3. They need that army because they have a crappy candidate.

    Follow the link below to see how useless O'Brien is. All of the over 250 bills that he has proposed have died. He has done nothing for us:

  4. I'm at such a loss for words. Back in 2009 there was so much energy on the Stewart race...we even had signs that said Democrats for Stewart. I know the nor' easter has put a damper on our campaign but it seemed pretty stagnant even before the snow came.

    I can't believe the influx of mail coming from O'Brien camp not to mention all the other guys on their ticket. I talk to people everywhere and I hate to say it but most of the folks are not supporting team Bernacki. What's gonna happen if we get swept on the ticket?

    Even before election day goes down, I'm calling for Dwight Blint's resignation. There are a few people I have in mind, but we need a young person to hand over the torch to. I assume Sanders gets elected on Tuesday for BoE so Mercier or Erin Stewart -- whichever of those two does not get elected should take over for Blint. Just my $.02

    - NB Reaganite

  5. We're not going to get swept of the ticket.

    I am frustrated like you on how the O'brien goons are trying to steal the election. I had my door knocked today...and yesterday.

    O'Brien may win (or steal the election) but it is clear that the Real Republican Team like Erin Stewart will do just fine like numerous others.

  6. Avoid the socialist take over of the city of New Britain by voting for the Bernacki team.

  7. O'Brien clams that he supports Education???? What did he do for the New Britain education as our state Rep.?

  8. We've come to the sad conclusion that we in Connecticut have the worst, most incompetently managed, most expensive public utility in America. This can only help our worldwide reputation as a place to do business. And do you think for a moment that the Halloween nor'easter will be the last major snow/ice event of the season? Expect a few more weeklong outages - folks?

    We never thought enlightened, educated, wealthy Connecticut would sink to this lowly spot, but NU has been paying politicians (mostly Democrats) to leave them alone for years and we the public haven't noticed.

    Now, we see what kind of electric company we have compared with Massachusetts and other New England states, and it's downright embarrassing.

    We have to get on the legislature to do what Massachusetts does: Fine the utility company if it doesn't get the power flowing in a reasonable time?

  9. The communist Democrats who control our state at all levels have succeeded in turning our state something that resembles a 3rd world nation.

  10. These socialist have ruined our electric system, they've ruined our business climate in New Britain, and now a socialist is about to get elected Mayor. I will not like so many that came before be move to Berlin to escape these radicals. This is my city, not theirs, and they are not going to drive me out.

  11. We were listening to one of the news conferences, and they said something that really made us sit up and take notice. ALL crews from outside the state start working on the outside edges of the outages and work towards the center.

    Since CT got slammed worse than any other state (for outages) for both Irene and this Halloween Storm, that means all of the out of state crews were working in PA, NY, MA before they even got to CT.

    No wonder that we folks in the state of CT are the last ones to get our lights on, since the out of state crews were working elsewhere first in PA, NY and MA.

  12. O'Brien and the leftist loons will never takeover my city either or force me out.

  13. Don't be foolish by voting for any of the working families party candidates.
