Thursday, November 17, 2011

Obama Calls You Lazy, Governor Perry Describes Obama's Socialist Policies as "Bankrupting America!"


  1. ...and you wonder why CT is ranked one of the worst states in the country to own a business in and Texas is the absolute best for at least the last 10 years of Governor Perry's 13 years in office?

  2. I think Obama must be referring to his fellow Democrats when he says that Americans are lazy. Maybe if he spent more time around Republicans who work and pay taxes, he would realize it is only Democrats who are lazy!

  3. Way to go Governor Perry, showing him to be the moron he really is!

  4. HAPPY $15 TRILLION EVERYBODY!!! Thank you Obama, Thank you Pelosi, Thank you Reid... The three stooges that bankrupted the country like nobody else. Even Bush looks smart around these fools. Let's get rid of the Demo-CRAPS in 2012, take back the WH and the Senate and let's fix this problem. Let's send all progressives to Venezuela or Cuba, they will be happier there.LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER

  5. Off prompter Obama say's what he thinks about everyone but welfare recipient voters and union members.

  6. I am not lazy. How can a liberal call anyone lazy anyhow? Look Obama, you want to spend more then borrow more, but you want the American people to work harder to produce more to make up for your spending more. I say NO!

    I work 10 hour days six days a week, sometimes even 12 hours. I come home and play the hubby/daddy role for my family, who I work so hard to provide for. In the midst of all this, the biggest spending president of all times is going to call me lazy? What more do you want Obama? You already steal too much of my money through your tax schemes that you shoved up the backside of an unwilling people. Look, you can call all the names you want, but your coup is coming to an end in 2013.

  7. I must insist that Perry is being much too kind. Osama, uh, I mean Obama is a communist and a m u s l i m which makes him 100% anti-American.

  8. Everyone knows Obama is a "Socialist". It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out!!!!

  9. Which one is the socialist first lady and owner of Apple Computer stock?
