Thursday, November 10, 2011

O'Brien's Former Seat is Being Sought

Alderman Michael Trueworthy [D] will make it official, according city hall sources, next week with his announcing that he will be seeking the state representative seat that will be vacated when elect Mayor Tim O['Brien Takes his oath of office.

As I reported recently, Sharon Beloin- Saavedra [D], also will seeking to run for the same office.

No Republicans have indicated their interest for this office as of yet.



  1. Mayor Elect Tim O'Brien will resign from his position as a state legislator, and Governor Dannel P. Malloy will then call a special election for the 24th District seat .

    Three Democrats - Sharon Beloin-Saavedra, Rick Lopes and Michael Trueworthy — want the party's endorsement to run for O'Brien's seat, which is in a strongly Democratic district bordering New Britain and Newington. The special election is likely to occur sometime in January 2012.

  2. Landlords & Property Owners Contact Your Attorneys?

    NB Alderman Michael Trueworthy wants the Democrat party's endorsement to run for Tim O'Brien's seat, and if elected he stated that he will focus on property tax reform, additional funding for education and a number of blight issues, enabling more legislation to allow municipalities to go after landlords.

  3. My support will go towards mr Truworthy. THAT WAY WE CANBE RID OF HIM.

    SHARON IS a one topic person. She does that one topic very well Let her do the BOE and take care of children, they need her more than the state.

  4. Rick Lopes - - - -NO ___ WAY. He would have to give being principal of the DIRTY TRICKS Academy

  5. We've gotta look at what Mayor Boughton did in the city of Danbury. They have a supermajority and he won 71% of the vote, less than 10 years after Dems had a supermajority and total control of the Mayor's office.

    Their voter numbers are similar to ours here in New Britain. Perhaps we could learn a lesson from them In harvesting the 10 thousand independent voters here in New Britain?

  6. Don't forget folks, if Trueworthy wins the seat, his Council seat will be occupied by either of these questionable characters; Sherwood (you all know his history), Lopes (tax dodger and desk rifler), Gerratana (unlawful abuse of State computers to vilify Mayor Stewart).

    Take your pick. I'll be voting for Sharon "One issue" Saavedra. At least when she speaks, she doesn't babble and she is coherent.

  7. " Anonymous said...
    Rick Lopes - - - -NO ___ WAY. He would have to give being principal of the DIRTY TRICKS Academy

    November 10, 2011 1:01 PM"

    The comment above (sic) does not say it all. Despite being a tax dodger, desk rifler and setting up dirty trick where State computers were used to denigrate Mayor Stewart, this questionable character is still protected and employed at the state by former NB Mayor and NB State Senator, Don DeFronzo. ( Read today's Courant article by Don Stacom).

    Lopes is now employed at the department of administrative services by, none other than, you guessed it, newly appointed Director, Donald DeFronzo !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. NB Resident and TaxpayerNovember 11, 2011 at 4:46 PM

    My wish for O'Brien's replacement is Timothy Stewart.

    If Trueworthy or Sharon Beloin-Saavedra Beloin replace O'Brien, we can forget about Comcast opening a store in New Britain...or any other retail business, for that matter! Heaven forbid, new businesses would contribute a good share to paying taxes...we certainly don't want that, do we? It's the residents that should be solely responsible for paying taxes!! In the current economy, none of us needs a job!! DUH!!

  9. According to the Democratic party, you must be punished for having the wealth to own a home when people who refuse to work a day in their life do not. They are entitled to an equal share of your wealth simply for being born.
