Wednesday, November 2, 2011



When you are looking to get things right the most important person you hire must
have experience. If you are going to hire a superintendent you look for experience. If you want to have your automobile repaired you look for an experienced mechanic. If you are going to build a house you look for an experienced contractor.

For any job you need to get done you need to have the most experienced person.

Jim Sanders has negotiated Teachers Contracts, Para Professional Contracts,
Administrators Contracts and 1186 Contracts ( secretary, custodians, security guards) He also arranged for the uniformed policemen to work as Resource Officers at NBHS. He was responsible for more tv surveillance procedures of school grounds.

During his terms of office on the Board of Education he has been responsible for instituting many major programs such as Jr. ROTC program at New Britain High School and a Dress Code requirement for both Middle School and grade schools.

He has been a member of all the building committees for all the major repairs and or additions to all New Britain schools. He instituted the first Gifted abs Talented program in the school system.

He has held the office of President 3 times, Vice President 9 times and Secretary 2 times. He has been chairman of the Curriculum. Finance, Policy and Personnel committees. He has also been a member of these committees.

Graduated New Britain Schools St Marys, Nathan Hale , N B High School
Member of the Football, Baseball, Basketball Teams at NBHS.

During his time on the Board of Education he has earned many awards.
Such as;

• Life time Achievement for being the longest elected BOE member
• Elected to National Football College Hall of Fame
• Member of the National Football Foundation
• Exchange Club Man of the Year
• New Britain Football League Coach of the Year
• Head Coach of New Britain Midget Football team that played in the DELMARVA Bowl held in Maryland and Virginia

Organizations belonged to

• Korean War Veteran – Sgt USMC – RECON
• 826th Military Intelligence – Chief Information Analyst E5
• Marine Corps League – Past Commandant – Charter & Lifetime Member
• Knights of Columbus 3rd and 4th Degree
• Ancient Order of Hibernians
• Friends of Football – Charter Member & Lifetime Member
• Board of Directors College Hall of Fame– Northern Chapter
• President of various PTO’s and PTA’s
• Republican Town Committee

He pledges his continuous stand for the rights and well being of the students, parents and taxpayers of the city of New Britain.



  1. Where are the spelling errors???

  2. He's been on there since before many of us were born. Can you say dinosaur?

  3. The comments seem to be written by someone that dores not know what they are talking abour.

    Funding is given from the stae and local government. funding sor teachers comes from the same sources. At the last two meetings of the BOE awards were given 260 in grades k -5 and 350 awards for the middle school that has passed all three phases of the CMTs

    If you are going to critisize me do your homework.

  4. Yes Jim, I will vote for you. I want someone who will rubber stamp Sharon, rubber stamp Doris and/or the incoming supt. and pay no attention to how our tax dollars are being spent. You're the man for that job. If I wanted fresh faces, new ideas energy, and fiscal responsibility, I would vote for Nick and Erin. But who wants that.

  5. you didn't respond to my comment about your being a dinosaur?

  6. How about learning how to spell Mr.Sanders. Your attempts to inflate your resume are astounding. How abot telling the readers how much you cost the district when you and the superintendant illegally taped employee phone conversations. I believe you were the Board President when you did that am I correct? Fine example for others to follow.

  7. Two things.

    First I have had 4 children amd 1 foster child. For you or anyone else to say that I would sacrifice my children for my own gain iscruel and not called for. My life has been dedicated to my wife and my children.

    Secondly, I was cleared of any wrong doing in the taping incident by an ivestogation conducted by a federal judge who interviewed more than 50 people. Also there were artickes and editorials supporting me.

  8. I guess the cat got his tongue regarding his being a dinosaur?

  9. Please stop the nonsence the man was cleared already some 15 years ago. Let it go and graw up.

    He is the only man I am voting for because to me he is the only one qualified.

    He coached me in fotball and I always admired him.

    Thank you coach for the guidance.

    I would suggedt thst all his former players vote for him.


  10. I played for Mr Sanders when our team (Colts) was invited to play in the the DELMARVA bowl in Salisbury, Maryland. We played an allstar team from Delaware, Maryland.and Virginia. We lost 6 to 0 in sudden death overtime.This is one of the proudest moments in my life.

    I give Mr. Sanders credit for putting together our championship team. I have tried to model my life with the attributes he
    instilled in us. Honesty, integrity and the willingness to always help others.

    I will be voting the Bernicki Team and especially Coach Sanders.

    I am a DEMOCRAT !!!!!

  11. Mr. Sanders tught me well as far as being a team player and he should be able to guide the new members of the BOE as long as they are willing to lisen to the voice of experience.There are many pitfalls and bumps in the road to becoming a good board member, if they are willing to listen. they will make errors but thats understandable.

    Good luck to the three possables
    Two teachers and a state worker.
    Please listen to Mr. Sanders and forget the attitude that you know everything. He will not aim you in the wrong direction. Contrary to what some people think of Mr. Sanders he is really a pretty nice guy. If you dont cross him.

    I am on the Democrat Town Committee.
