Saturday, November 12, 2011

. Why should liberals be buried 100 feet below the ground?

A. Because deep down they are really good people


  1. We used to have a free press that jumped all over lies like a duck on a june bug, but that no longer applies, as reporters can no longer be independen­t because they work for corporatio­ns whose interests do not coincide with truth-tell­ing.

    In the new 4th estate, reporters no longer cover the news, they cozy up to their subjects so as to be part of the "in" group, and self-censo­r so as not to offend their parent companies.

    These changes in the perception­, by reporters themselves­,of the function of journalism have produced (with rare and laudable exceptions­) a generation of lazy reporters, producing sloppy, unresearch­ed stories, riddled with misinforma­tion or, when not just repeating verbatim lies from political party handouts, it produces pablum -- pap for the masses of the unwashed.

  2. sounds like someone who still reads the herald.

  3. You must also bury them face down so their friends will recognize them--butt holes that they all are!
