Thursday, December 1, 2011

Has Mayor Timothy O'Brien lost his Ultra Liberal Marbles With one of his Police Commission Appointees?


The New Police Commissioner Briggette Brown together with her Husband, also a new City Alderman, owes a total of $5,610.44 back taxes to our city as of this morning at 8:30 A. M. .
This fact was reported by this blog on November 28 of this year. This report not only pointed to our New Democratic Alderman owing the city this large sum of back taxes but did expose two Democratic Constables owing back taxes as well.


  1. Didn't connect the two names. Guess I wasn't paying close attention. Maybe he'll forgive them their taxes and add them on to the rest of us. Can't wait to learn the rest of his appointments. It certainly will be an interesting two years.

  2. Why would we want police commissioners who pay their taxes? This administration apparently rewards those who don't abide by the law. Perhaps we will now start recruiting cops who are felons? Why would be want police officers who obey the law any more than the commissioners who are appointed to supervise them?

  3. It apparently matters less what your qualifications are and instead the most important qualification seems to be how extreme to the left you might be.

  4. The precedent has been set. Do not pay your taxes and you will be reward. Residents take notice.

  5. The fact that all four of the new Police Commission Appointees are either government or non-profit workers, indicates they were hand picked by de-facto Mayor of NB Phil Sherwood.

  6. I would guess they are all liberal extremists just by who they are pledging to serve!

  7. There are commissions and there are commissions. Some hold a greater weight in the direction our city will take. One of these commissions holding great weight would be the Police Commission and the need to make a point would not be to just elect women, for which I am one, just to be clear. Mayor O'Brien stated he would ask for resumes so I am wondering what happend to that??? I would think that a majority of those on the commission should be qualified in various ways that I am not seeing on the appointments that have been made. It is good to have the average Joes and Josephines serve but there are many commissions that require some background that relates to the commission at hand and that does not mean just community service or good intention. Where are the resumes and where is the pool of candidates for these commissions coming from? We have only been into this new Mayoral cycle for a few weeks and so far we have had an arrest, a media circus with regard to our budget, a very improper lack of values nominee for Democrat candidate for representative, and now possibly underqualified commission members. Again, where are those resumes????

  8. Mayor O'Brien is seeking New Ideas from his three newly appointed Women Police Commissioners. The new members are Anna Lenczewski, an Administrator at Central Connecticut State University ; co-chair of the city's Polish Dozynki Committee.

    Susan McKinley, an employee of the State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services;

    And Briggitte Brown, who heads the Right Now Ministries' in New Britain. She is the wife of first-term Alderman Rha-Sheen Brown.

    The Mayor stated, "This new commission won't be a rubber stamp or a ceremonial fixture".

  9. As for the owing of taxes, possibly we need to create a new set of procedures to collect them in a quicker more efficient manner. No one should be allowed to run for elected office or serve on a commission if they owe taxes. They may serve the community in any other manner they wish but all elected or appointed officials should be those that uphold the law and set an example. No one likes taxes but it is our obligation to pay them, even if it means a paynment plan.


    TRANSPRENT -------------------------------------------- HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN OR DI SHERWOOD TELL YOU TO FORGET IT HE HAS CONTROL????????

  11. All taxpayers should tell the tax collector they are not paying until the elected officials pay their taxes.

    Fair is Fair.

  12. Is communism spreading in America?

    Last week it was protesters at Occupy Portland singing “F*** the U.S.A.,” this week it’s an Occupy Dayton protester declaring, “F*** the military, f*** your flag, f*** the police.”

    Now we have the most radical socialist ever to be elected Mayor.

    Clearly, communism is on the rise here in New Britain!

  13. Frank:
    This is typical Sherwood M.O. Create a smoke screen, accuse the opposition of wrong doing and do worse yourself.

    Frank Smith has reported the tax scofflaws since the election ended. An alderman and his wife owe close to $7K. Two constables who haven't paid their taxes, one of whom has been promoting himself as a great citizen, veteran of WW II for years. What a sick person.

    And, this is it ! This is what we have with O'Brien and Sherwood. Keep watching folks. You'll see more. Already, Carlozzi has given the deciding vote for 24th. district State Rep. to none other than the tax dodger and desk rifler, Rick Lopes. Don't give us any more of your holier than thou speeches, Carlo, you are just like them .

    DeFronzo keeps calling the shots and the Ds in NB keep voting to drink the Kool Aid.

  14. Socialism and communism are ideological doctrines that have many similarities as well as many differences. It is difficult to discern the true differences between socialism and communism, as various societies have unsuccessfully tried different types of both systems in myriad forms. Some general points distinguishing the two concepts, however, can still be identified.

    One point that is frequently raised to distinguish socialism from communism is that socialism generally refers to an economic system, while communism generally refers to both an economic and a political system. As an economic system, socialism seeks to manage the economy through deliberate and collective social control. Communism, however, seeks to manage both the economy and the society by ensuring that property is owned collectively, and that control over the distribution of property is centralized in order to achieve both classlessness and statelessness. Both socialism and communism are similar in that they seek to prevent the ill effects that are sometimes produced by capitalism except that neither system have ever succeeded anywhere in the world where it has ever been attempted and will certainly be a colossal disaster here in the USA.

    Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization. Socialism asserts that the distribution should take place according to the amount of individuals' production efforts, however, while communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs. Neither system has ever been successful and any country that attempts to become socialist or communist is certainly doomed to a disastrous failure.

  15. Everyone keeps saying that Sherwood is the acting mayor, but in reality doesn't that title go to Bertha Lewis as long as she keeps'a'knockin'?

  16. To all you whiners, what have you done for the local Republican town committee and its candidates. Volunteer your time and give money if you're so pissed.

  17. Anonymous said...

    To all you whiners, what have you done for the local Republican town committee and its candidates. Volunteer your time and give money if you're so pissed.


  18. In order to lose something, don't you first need to have it?
