Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lopes Wins 24th House District Seat - Courant.com

Don Stacom


  1. Now that Bozek fulfilled his duty acting as a spoiler in the election, it will be interesting to see what choice appointment Little Mack might have in mind for his apparent loyal disciple?

  2. To take from the blogger "NOBODY" in the Herald. Bozek let a lot of people down that WERE loyaye supporters . I have known Tom for a long time and I am truly disappointed in his actions.

  3. Perhaps Bozek now just might get a 6 figure job with the state allowing him to juice up his lifetime state pension that he receives from his years in the state legislature ala Don DeFronzo style?

  4. Want to watch the security video of your new state representative when he was caught rifling through the desk of a Republican clerk at the LOB?


  5. Mr. Bozek...You know you're done now. Don't even ask to run for anything again. Hope you enjoyed it because that's it for you. You're through!

    All that crap over the years about the left and then you do this so called 'vanity run' to facilitate this victory for Mr. Lopes.

  6. WAS it worth it TOM?????

    Now you are a digrace to all you followers.

    You are a true democrat and now we all know what your real colors are,

  7. I would have thought most people would have gotten the message that they were through after the last loss, but I guess some people take longer to learn.

  8. I thought that if one works for the state, he can't run for state office NOT TRUE?

    Also will Lopes be allowed to keep his jobs in his "mentor" DeFronzo's office now that he is a legislator?

    Very surprised that there was no newspaper photo of Lopes' girlfriend and her two boys there at Whinstone for the celebration; you know, to show that he's a "family man."

  9. Wish someone would have posted that video prior to the election. Reminds you of the old adage "Fat Dumb and Stupid's No Way to Go Thru Life Son".....Unless of coarse you're running for office on the New Britain Lib Dem/Working Families Party ticket.

  10. When you say "fat, dumb and stupid" it makes me think of the new mayor!

  11. Obviously, we live in a City where moral ethics matters not, and that is not just among the ignorant, sorry to say. Funny. CNN did a poll as to American's priorities/concerns with regard to their Presidential candidate. Number one was the economy, number two was healthcare, and number three was moral ethics. To show you how embedded this acceptance of lack of moral values/ethics is in our City and State is that many important State figures were there to congratulate Mr. Lopes for his win.

  12. I just watched the You Tube video. Does anyone know the identity of the other male with Mr. Lopes? Mr. Lopes takes various documents and seems to keep turning to his left and I am not sure if it a copy machine or he is scanning these documents to his e-mail. First time I saw this video which really needs to be made more accessible.

  13. The lack of voter turnout was terrible. Guess what, those who voted for Lopes elected another cheating politician. Hope they arfe happy! Better not hear them complain. Bozek is no conservztikve, that's for sure.

  14. I read all of these comments, sharing in their disgust for the low lives that are elected to office. They are stupid slobs, as is there mentor John McNamara.

    Who it to blame? Only 43% of Republicans came out to vote in November. Whose job is it to get out the vote? The Republican Town Committee. I do not blame Blint. The RTC was always sluggish! Carver was no better.It goes way back. It is not a social club.

    There needs to be a core of young, zealous, intelligent Republicans and not the same old hanger oners who do nothing for the party.

    They should meet as a sub committee and make plans to fight for the right of Republicans to survive. A Democratic friend of mine who votes Republican was inundated with phone call on Sunday and people coming to her door to vote for that fat,stupid Defronzo clone!

    Why should we throw up our hands and accept that. We need to fight.

    Ya, I know. Why don't I start it? I am eighty, have been through my fights. It is your turn.

  15. To the last post, yes, the democrats door knock, call, door knock some more and call, call, call. They hire people from anywhere to do their work when necessary. Most people don't like these intrusions but they reach the people like it or not. Republicans on the other hand are conservative in nature they are reserved, stop themselves more often from being an intrusion, they respect one's privacy on their own property. We know more needs to be done.

  16. The nb (MOSCOW) Herald has elimanated all reference to theor blogs.
