Sunday, June 24, 2012

CHRIS POWELL: Could Connecticut take Wisconsin's hint? - West Hartford News


  1. not these socialists--never!

  2. We live in Connecticut and just listed our house. The agent said that almost all of the houses she was listing were people who were retiring and leaving the state. They simply could not afford to live in Connecticut. Most were going to Florida or the Carolinas. In our case with all the taxes and high cost of living in Connecticut, we figure to save $1500 to $2000 a month in our pockets by leaving Connecticut, depending on where we end-up and the individual circumstances. That is hard to argue with. We really like our house and our neighbors, but if we stay in Connecticut, we will STAY in Connecticut. We will not be able to afford to go anywhere or do much. That is what $1500 to $2000 per month means.
