Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yesterday's Headline in the Hartford Courant was: "New Britain Mayor asks residents to keep a watch on elderly Neighbors."


But was he watching out for those elderly neighbors that attended New Britain High School Graduation of their children and grandchildren?

With all the weather forecasts advising us of the tremendous heat wave coming to this area why didn't our chief executive request that this event be moved to an air conditioned facilities by his issuing an executive order mandating his order.

Sadly, 24 four were sent to four area hospitals for heat exhaustion.

If he had any real concerns for the elderly, as the headline suggest, he would have issued the executive order to change the location.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He would only be capable of having concerns if Sherwood told him to. He is clearly incapable of thinking for himself and has demonstrated time and again that he is in way over his head.

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