Saturday, July 14, 2012

Connecticut governor questions GOP's patriotism


  1. The only truly interesting thing about the dueling Romney-Biden NAACP appearances is the man who was absent from the show. The current President...Obama.

    As with Sherlock Holmes’ dog that didn’t bark, the interesting thing about this is the case of the Barack Obama who didn’t show up to bark, deliver a few jokes, remind everyone that he is the epitome of the NAACP’s accomplishments—including some white folks who might be considering re-casting their vote in November.

  2. Why is it OK to force all reporters of the 4th Estate to show their photo I.D.s to hear a government official speak - but not OK for voters to be required to present an I.D. to vote on the local, state and national level ?

  3. Maybe they are just against communism, but as a fellow commie, it must be hard for him to understand someone opposing turning this country into a communist dictatorship.

  4. Obama is the man who won the Presidency on nothing other than a fantastic and unbelievable story he sold to America people via willing accomplices in the media. Remember the story about TV Reporter Chris Matthews and the tingle that ran up his leg when Obama spoke? Leg tingles are great for a romance, but they don’t create jobs.

    Leg tingles are no substitute for an energy policy; they don’t make medical bills magically disappear; they don’t pay the student loans the administration tricked students into taking; they don’t solve the banking crisis; or make green investments smart; nor do Matthews leg tingles restore confidence in government and industry.

    But in 2012 the Matthews leg tingle is story entirely different. Because If you can't beat your opponent's ideas, you distort those ideas and maybe make some up. Obama's latest mea culpa occurred with his interview on WJLA, a Washington TV station about candidate Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.

  5. Why is it ok to arrest a US Citizen for having an expired registration on his car, but not ok to arrest a criminal illegal alien who is committing a serious crime simply by standing on the ground?

  6. Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black.

    The majority of states are rejecting socialism and becoming so successful that businesses are fleeing states run by socialist Democrats and flocking to locate their businesses in conservative states that have little or no taxation and very little regulation.

    Under Malloy's so-called leadership, Connecticut is speeding in the opposite direction of the majority of the country--passing the highest tax increases in Connecticut history and punishing businesses with massive new regulations that is unheard of anywhere else in the nation. Virtually everything Malloy has done is certain to either destroy businesses or drive them out of the state.

    Now who is ignoring reality?

  7. I question their patriotism all the time. They stop caring about people once they are no longer a fetus and then start caring again once they get to military age.

  8. It is Democrats who treat individuals like garbage. Under communism only the government matters. There are no individual liberties, no individual rights, the central planning government is the only entity that matters.

  9. Malloy talks a big game for someone who one the election with less than 50% of the vote.

  10. I'm sure that went over well at the Governor's Association since there are many more Republican Governors than there are Democrat Governors. Just like in Congress, here at the Governor's Association, radicals like Malloy are in the minority!

  11. I love this blog. You are all nuts!

  12. Must be one of those people that to whom anyone who is not a devout communist is nuts.

    Currently there are 28 Republican governors and 1 independent (RI) leaving only 21 Democrat governors--also meaning that Dictator dan is among the minority.

    Additionally, of the 6 US territories, 3 of the governors (including the governor of Puerto Rico) are Republicans!

    But we are the ones that are nuts--simply because we oppose communism.

  13. Kiss my a--! Danny Boy.

  14. i rest my case!!!

  15. After pushing through one unpopular measure after another, what are his chances of getting re-elected--especially since he won with less than 50% of the vote?

    I guess Danny Boy is willing to be a one term governor all in the name of pushing through his radical socialist agenda!

  16. Danny Boy will probably get reelected because at the rate that conservatives are fleeing this state (and taking their businesses with them) there will no one left but socialists to vote for Danny Boy. Problem is, there will also be no one left to pay the bills for all his out of control socialist programs.

  17. He continues to be bought and paid for by the government union bosses
