Wednesday, July 4, 2012

DON PESCI: Obama victorious, taxes to rise - The Middletown Press (


  1. WASHINGTON DC - A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee staff estimates up to 6,500 new IRS personnel will be necessary to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses as a result of the Obama Affordable Care Act.

  2. It's Your Dime?

    "It’s a sad situation when the President and Commander in Chief is drastically cutting defense spending, including reducing the size of the military while at the same time hiring more tax collectors to squeeze every dime—the dime Obama said would never be levied against Americans—out of taxpayers,” said Political Consultant Mike Baker.

  3. That only applies to the less than 50% of Americans who pay taxes.

    If you are a Democrat who never worked in your life, and live totally free off the rest of us, how can you pay taxes--especially since any money you may have has been given to you free by the rest of us?
