Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ex-Rep. Elizabeth Esty Leads Fundraising In 3-Way Democratic Primary; Ahead of Donovan And Roberti


  1. Elizabeth Esty has a lot of people who believe in her, and people in the District know her to be honest, hard-working, and smart. They want her to be the next 5th District Congressperson because they know that she will wake up every day and work hard to find solutions to our problems.

    We have gotten to know her well over the last four years, and we know that she is exactly the kind of person we would want to represent us in Congress.

  2. Although she may not be a crooked Democratic politician, the fact that she endorses them and helps them get elected, is proof enough that we don't need her.

  3. It would be nice to once again have a member of Congress that represents the people instead of pushing their own brand of socialism down out throats.

  4. Hopefully the unions won't corrupt her. The 5th needs a conservative yankee to again represent us.

  5. Esty sure does seem to have lots of support in Plainville. Her campaign signs are all over the place!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Esty sure does seem to have lots of support in Plainville. Her campaign signs are all over the place!

    I think it might be more of a "anyone but Donovan" philosophy more than it is specific support for Esty or any other particular candidate in a similar fashion to much of the support for Romney being an anybody but Obama mentality because anyone who would vote for the most failed disastrous president in history to get 4 more years must be out of their mind!
