Thursday, July 19, 2012

Governor Unwise To Take Union Side In Nursing Home Strike -


  1. It appears to me that the governor is OK with nurses pulling all those shenanigans to trip up the replacement nurses in an apparent attempt to get the nurses to give the wrong medications to the wrong patients, placing the patient's lives in danger all in the name of a radical union agenda and the governor stands with them against the employer who apparently undid the damage and saved the lives of these patients.

    Maybe the governor is disappointed that no one died as a result?

  2. "Governor Unwise To Take Union Side In Nursing Home Strike -"

    You could say the same for The Holy Spirit Church Parish of Newington.

  3. Anonymous said...

    "Governor Unwise To Take Union Side In Nursing Home Strike -"

    You could say the same for The Holy Spirit Church Parish of Newington.

    are you saying that the Catholic church is supporting these thugs?

  4. Not the Catholic Church, just this particular parish.

  5. so are you saying that there is one parish that supports the killing of elderly and in firmed people all in the name of the union?

  6. So you are acknowledging the killing of elderly and in firmed people all in the name of the union?

    Anyone who supports a group assumes some responsibility for that group's actions, if they have knowledge of those actions and continue to support them, period.
