Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Britain: Tenant Landlords

The Planning and Zoning sub-committee of the Common Council has postponed the Fair Rent Commission proposal By Alderman Sanchez.

 I was advised that this proposal may resurface again at their August Planning and Zoning Sub-Committee meeting.



  1. This just means that the Working Families Party members are regrouping until they can figure out another way to sneak a fair rent commission through under the radar. These socialists will not stop until they find a way to severely punish those evil rich landowners for having the nerve to make money off of the poor.

    How dare they have more wealth than someone who never worked a day in their life.

  2. what will these radicals think of next? Now that they are going to charge the landlord for each can of garbage the tenant puts out, will they get around to charging the landlord a fee for every time the tenant flushes the toilet too?

  3. Give Sherwood time, I have faith that he will find many more ways to stick it to landlords.

  4. It’s good that politicians are paying closer attention to the Latino community, here in New Britain. We Are many in the state from urban, suburban and rural communities. Like the USA Today poll said, we care about health care and jobs. And in CT we also care about taxes and home ownership opportunities. We all have a voice and want to be heard, not just seen.

  5. Former residents of the city of New Britain constantly talk about the way New Britain used to be. Well, even though the school system is going back to the way many of us remember with neighborhood schools, we have news for you, New Britain will never be what it was -the Hardware City, shifting within five plus years into Latinos Community City.

  6. Obama's new Welfare Reform Law has replaced the old Aid to Families Law with Dependent Children, with a new program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

    The Heritage Foundation played a pivotal role in building bipartisan consensus for the reform and providing many of the recommendations that became part of the law.

    The whole point was that able-bodied adults should be required to work or prepare for work as a condition of receiving welfare aid.

  7. In the past, state bureaucrats have attempted to define activities such as hula dancing, attending Weight Watchers, and bed rest as “work.”

    These dodges were blocked by the federal work standards. Now that the Obama Administration has abolished those standards, we can expect “work” in the TANF program to mean anything but work. The new welfare dictate issued by the Obama Administration clearly guts the law.

  8. WORK is a filthy 4 letter word to Democrats. The new Democratic Party seems to stand for never working a day in your life and live free off the sweat of others.
