Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama Has Lied to Us For Years About Jobs Reports!


  1. Once again we get a dismal jobs number from our government. So few jobs were created that we aren’t even keeping up with population growth! And once again Obama tells us not to pay any attention to those numbers.

    Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain!

    What is it they say in Obama’s world? Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and it becomes fact?

  2. Reince Preibus today on Fox News said that Democrats are "living in a fantasyland!"

  3. We can only imagine the liberal outrage if the U.S. public found out U.S. Air Force drone pilots were using domestic civilian automobiles for target training during the Bush administration.

    There would be calls for Congressional investigations and if Republicans ran the House, an independent counsel would be demanded, the ACLU would be in overdrive, and MSNBC would have show-to-show coverage of this “scandal” of all scandals on the Drone Pilots civilian targets.

    But because Obama ordered this U.S. Drone operation, we find out about it in the New York Times’ “Magazine” section- silence -no comment.

  4. The Obama liberalized policies on sex and single parenthood are tearing society asunder. The NY Times reports over 50% of children born to women 30 and under are to single mothers. This is the largest cause of poverty, according to experts, but just the tip of the iceberg according to statistics on fatherlessness, the absent of a father.

  5. Iit is becoming quite clear that President Obama is obsessed with absolute control of media. Now Obama will have the ability to tell you about it on your cell phone, the internet, radio and television at his personal whim with his tele-prompter.

  6. It is getting very tiresome they way our leaders constantly lie to the American people. There is no accountability. Why is it so hard to agree to the facts. Unemployment rate is staying the same but we can't keep up with the population growth with new jobs. We can't fix the problem until we have accurate numbers. This will never happen. Congress can't even do a simple project without miscalculating the costs. I have never seen a project that our government has started that was under budget, ever.


  7. How can you tell if a Democrat is lying?

    Look at his lips, if they are moving, he is lying!
